A naval vessel having the parts above water covered andprotected by iron or steel usually in large plates closely joined andmade sufficiently thick and strong to resist heavy shot.
Ironclad meaning & definition 1 of Ironclad.
Any condom made from Kevlar. The only contraceptive that is more reliable then abstinence.
Ironclad meaning & definition 2 of Ironclad.
covered or protected with iron
unable to be contradicted
a large wooden 19th-century warship with armoured platingIronclad meaning & definition 3 of Ironclad.
A person who has an [iron will], usually [a hero] or [protagonist]
Ironclad meaning & definition 4 of Ironclad.
From making to managing to storing, Ironclad Digital Contracting streamlines every part of the contract process for in-house Legal. A software product by Ironclad
Ironclad meaning & definition 5 of Ironclad.
very certain and unlikely to be changed:
Ironclad meaning & definition 6 of Ironclad.