• Poser, follower, a charlatan of sorts. One who copies or immitates all or most of the aspects dealing with their idol. They may wish to have certain clothing, skills, vocabulary, etc., of their idols instead of their own. Most likely a wannabe is lacking in self confidence and is looking for guidance.

    Wannabe meaning & definition 1 of Wannabe.

  • Someone who wants to be what they are not.

    Wannabe meaning & definition 2 of Wannabe.

    1. Someone trying too hard to fit in with a specific crowd of peepz. They usually change the way they act, dress and or talk.

    2. A faker, a poser

    Wannabe meaning & definition 3 of Wannabe.

  • (A.) Someone who wants to be something else and fit in a crowd, someone who tries to act like someone they want to be even though its obvious that theyre just a stupid wannabe.

    Wannabe meaning & definition 4 of Wannabe.

  • wannabe, is a slang version of the actual english equivilant - want to be. there are several ways in which the term can be expressed: in example a) someone who wants to be someone else, they may aspire to the person in questions fashion sense (general appearance), ideas, attitude or music. whereas in b) the noun form of wannabe is infact an insult. it is very likely that you would see this in practice on any of the following, an up and coming [popstar], a [goth], a [chav]/[townie], and sometimes even old [spinsters]. all of these stereotypical groupings of people will certainly have wannabes among them. a common one i find in everyday life is that of a wannabe goth. these are people who attempt to dress all in black and wear long matrix like jackets with excessive eyeliner and dye their hair a rather pitiful rainbow colour. someone who is a fully fledged and well known [goth] will have no worries at being called a wannabe; but small insignificant losers that shop in tammy, mk one, b-wise, and other cheap reproduction shops are a very strong form of wannabes. they will buy overly baggy trousers from tammy, teamed up with a tight black top from mk-one - possibly with already fastened on safety pins and shitty fishnet sleeves, then a un-fiied black hoody from b-wise with the logo bitch, come get me, or my favourite punk. then they will go around the local market picking up inexspensive replicas of spiked chokers, skull earrings and black sweatbands with a cannabis leaf embroided on them. now, after all of this preparation, the wannabe goth in this case goes out with all of their (usually girls) friends and thinks they look hard or cool. well they dont. and basically they will be taunted into submission by older more wiser forms of proper goths, and then eventually turn [chav]. chavs are often found underneath your shoe in the unfortunate case when you tread in dog shit. but that is another story.

    Wannabe meaning & definition 5 of Wannabe.

  • A wannabe :
    an individual who tries really hard to be someone their not, often by copying others

    Wannabe meaning & definition 6 of Wannabe.

  • A wannabe is a person who feels the need to act like someone else. They will agree with everything you say {{even if they disagree}}, pretend to like the things you like, and try to be you. In some cases, they go as far as dressing like you, getting the same hair style, and even worshiping you. They are annoying and pathetic, not someone you would want following your every move. Wannabes can even be classified as [stalkers]. In order to save your image and [mental health], it is advised that you [steer clear of] such people.

    Wannabe meaning & definition 7 of Wannabe.

  • Someone [classed] as a wannabe is generally considered [a bad person] simply because they want to be something that they arent yet. Something most people cannot seem to understand is that everyone is a wannabe at some point in their life. You make fun of that [barbie] wannabe over there thinks she has to have big boobs or be really skinny to be around the type of people she likes, she will learn to make it her own as time goes on. You make fun of that girl covered in makeup and stuck in class [faking] a hangover because she thinks it will make her popular, she will learn either by friends, family, or time that it only makes her look... significantly unintelligent. Im sure at one point in your life youve tried hard to be someone or something when you werent quite there yet, right?

    Wannabe meaning & definition 8 of Wannabe.

  • Song by the British [girl band] [Spice Girls]. Openly catalogued as crap, this song is everyone who was born between 1985 and [1995s] musical core. Even if they dont accept it.

    Wannabe meaning & definition 9 of Wannabe.

  • A wannabe [iron maiden] fan wears iron maiden fan t-shirts and stuff like that.
    You ask them something about iron maiden and they cant tell u anything.
    They buy iron maiden cds and they make u think that they are true fans,but well they arent.
    Though i am not an iron maiden fan,i know a lot of people who are in my school who are wannabe iron maiden fans.
    Its a VIRUS [all around the world]....
    If u arent a [true iron] maiden fan please stop trying...there are lots of things u can do.
    But things like that gets on my nerves,i surely think it also gets on iron maiden fans nerves.

    Wannabe meaning & definition 10 of Wannabe.

  • [Annoying] [blonde girl] called [Hannah]...

    Wannabe meaning & definition 11 of Wannabe.

    1. [A song] by [The Spice] Girls
    2. A loser that acts like his/her [idol] just to get attention

    Wannabe meaning & definition 12 of Wannabe.

  • A person who tries to be like someone else or to fit in with a particular group of people.

    Wannabe meaning & definition 13 of Wannabe.

  • an ambitious and aspiring young person

    Wannabe meaning & definition 14 of Wannabe.

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