• Another term for bajas which were popular back in the day, often found in left leaning hippie establishments such as the now defunct Earth Traders in the Poughkeepsie Galleria.

    Drug rug meaning & definition 1 of Drug rug.

  • a really unique article of clothing. theyre usually striped and are called baja hoodies. theyre usually lose fitting and are really comfortable. theyre worn by both sexes. people who wear them know how to enjoy life. call us hippies, we dont care. we just love.

    Drug rug meaning & definition 2 of Drug rug.

  • an article of clothing typically worn by the druggie or hippie crowd as a symbol of their free-spiritedness or non- conformity. when in actuality, it simply marks them as stoners.

    the drug rug is also know as a baja sweater and closely resembles a woven carpet (hence the term rug). it commonly smells of marijuana, incense and body odor.

    it can usually be found paired with a pair of cutoff denim shorts and a bob marley t-shirt.

    Drug rug meaning & definition 3 of Drug rug.

  • A type of stoner jacket made in Mexico hence the name Mexican Threads. Made popular by hippies of California in the 70s and now worn by all people. Not made of hemp although they do look like you could smoke them. Also called baja hoodies.

    Drug rug meaning & definition 4 of Drug rug.

  • is a type of jacket with a single large pocket on the front, often associated with the cannabis and surf cultures. They are very popular in the Hippie subculture and among fans of post-hair metal.

    Drug rug meaning & definition 5 of Drug rug.

  • A hooded sweatshirt typically made of thick cotton or hemp material. Such a sweatshirt is often associated with 420 or Weed culture, since they are most often worn by heavy marijuana users.

    Drug rug meaning & definition 6 of Drug rug.

  • Awesome band on Black

    Drug rug meaning & definition 7 of Drug rug.

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