• A girl who dresses and sometimes behaves the way boys are expected to, often into more masculine things like stronger sports, computers, or cars. Stereotypically wears jeans, baseball caps, and denim vests/jackets. Often brought up with a lot of brothers or a child of a single father.

    Tomboy meaning & definition 1 of Tomboy.

  • A young girl who would rather be playing football in the rain than out shopping and boy hunting. Hangs out with boys. Does not care about what other people think of her, nor does she judge others for the way they are. Very sporty, and does not follow the latest fashion trends. Does not make fun of what most people would call nerds or geeks , and in fact befriends them most of the time. I am a tomboy, and I love it.

    Tomboy meaning & definition 2 of Tomboy.

  • Tomboys can be of any age. The term usually refers to someone of the female [gender] who enjoys participating in typically male gender activities. It can range from cars to canoeing, and everything typically male in our society. Tomboys are not only capable of easily navigating in a mans world, but they can also be [feminine] and sexy when they desire to be. They do it because they want to, not because they feel cultural pressure to do so. Tomboys will look you in the eyes when speaking to you. Tomboys tend to chose careers that are in the hard [sciences] - like math, engineering, architecture, etc... Tomboys can have difficulty relating to Girly-Girls because tomboys arent as restricted in their ability to express themselves honestly and openly - whereas Girly-Girls tend to want to please, and thus work hard at [conforming] and trying to be pleasant, even when they are really ticked off! Tomboys friends are usually males, and they make really good wives. They can be sexy when necessary, and they can change a tire or rewire a lamp when needed. They arent [restricted] by thoughts like, I cant do that, it isnt feminine! Tomboys are terrific!

    Tomboy meaning & definition 3 of Tomboy.

  • A chick that usually acts like a guy:

    1. wears jeans all the time without thinking twice
    2. thinks twice before wearing a skirt, then thinks again and decides not to
    3. never to be seen in a skirt or dress of ANY kind
    4. has mostly guys for friends
    5. doesnt mind getting dirty once in a while
    6. complete opposite of a girly girl

    Tomboy meaning & definition 4 of Tomboy.

  • Tomboy refers to a female whose behavior is free from the restriction of unwritten societal gender rules. She doesnt think she is being boyish or girlish, she is being herself. It is hopefully considered an old-fashioned term. Ive always been called a tomboy and I hear it when I do something that requires physical strength or when Im playing and dont mind getting dirty or injured if that goes with the game. I am heterosexual by instinct and choice. Tomboys are usually willing to fight if necessary

    Tomboy meaning & definition 5 of Tomboy.

  • A female who doesnt conform to societies idea of what feminine is because she just happens to not like it. Tomboys are girls who are pretty on the inside and the outside, it just so happens that they dont feel the need to show it off. They also get along with males incredibly well, and never finds it awkward to be attracted to the opposite sex in a friend-type way. tomboys are also great friends. Generally, tomboys are the girls who like having fun by playing video games/sports/etc. and seriously dont give a crap if their hair isnt the exact way it was when they left their freaking house.

    Tomboy meaning & definition 6 of Tomboy.

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