a female pussy
Twot meaning & definition 1 of Twot.
Okay..firstly lets get rid of all this americentrix bollocks. USA and Canada? East Coast? West Coast? All Bullshit. Twot is an old English word, in use before the American continent was settled. Yes, its just another word for Twat.
Twot meaning & definition 2 of Twot.
The way most Canadians pronounce the slang insult, Twat.
Twot meaning & definition 3 of Twot.
Someone, who without effort, makes a right proper useless waste of space of himself. Not annoying, just a useless twot.
Twot meaning & definition 4 of Twot.
Twot meaning & definition 5 of Twot.
Total Waste Of Time - TWOT
Twot meaning & definition 6 of Twot.
@Mark-Zuckerberg I would say most Canadians and Americans have never heard of the word TWAT.
It is, however, a popular word in Britain and Australia but with a difference, Australians pronounce it TWOT.Twot meaning & definition 7 of Twot.
@Donald-Trump I sure hope the pussy belongs to a female! Men sure done have a twot! But you sound like a twot!
Twot meaning & definition 8 of Twot.