• A Tokyo Sandblaster is a scatological activity developed by Conan OBrien for the Conan Show. It is defined as when one person has diarrhea, they place their ass close to their partners face while firmly pressing their butt cheeks together. They then release their bowels, effectively blasting their partner in the face with a high pressure stream of shit, forcing them to squint and as a result creating the appearance of Asian features.

    Tokyo sandblaster meaning & definition 1 of Tokyo sandblaster.

  • sexual innuendo referring to a position make popular by Conan OBrien on his 2nd episode of the Conan show.

    Tokyo sandblaster meaning & definition 2 of Tokyo sandblaster.

  • Noun -- Failed [Cleveland Steamer] in which [rectal pressure] turns out to be a [shart] instead of an actual [bowel movement]. This results in the receiver being [peppered] by fecal flecks as opposed to the expected full-blown turd.

    Tokyo sandblaster meaning & definition 3 of Tokyo sandblaster.

  • The Tokyo Sandblaster is a scatological activity. When one person has diarrhea, they get close to their partners face. Letting it rip effectively blasts the partner and causes them to squint, appearing to have Asian features.

    Tokyo sandblaster meaning & definition 4 of Tokyo sandblaster.

  • Tokyo Sandblaster - A scatological activity. When one person has diarrhea, they get close to their partners face. Letting it rip effectively blasts the partner and causes them to squint, appearing to have Asian features. First heard on Conan O’Briens show Conan ON TBS.

    Tokyo sandblaster meaning & definition 5 of Tokyo sandblaster.

  • A sexual position where the male is on top of the female, mid thrust, and then Conan OBrien jumps through the door and says YippeeKayYay Mister Falcon!

    Tokyo sandblaster meaning & definition 6 of Tokyo sandblaster.

  • an unexplained sexual position mentioned by [Conan] [Coco] [OBrien] on his new show, Conan.

    Tokyo sandblaster meaning & definition 7 of Tokyo sandblaster.

  • an ambiguous, but certainly very, very [dirty sex] act, that cannot be described, performed, viewed, and/or otherwise censored, yet elicits the same kind of [junior high] response of other more obvious, more commonly known, certainly very, very dirty sex acts.
    Origin: Conan 11/09/10. [TBS].

    Tokyo sandblaster meaning & definition 8 of Tokyo sandblaster.

  • a term used on the [November 9], 2010 show, Conan. It is a reference to a sexual act. Conan OBrien was asking the [TBS] censor assigned to his show if certain terms were appropriate, one in was Tokyo [Sandblaster]

    There is a lot of speculation to what the term refers to exactly, but its likely to deal with an Asian person (stemming from Tokyo) and [sandblaster] indicates the use of sand in a sexual manner.

    Tokyo sandblaster meaning & definition 9 of Tokyo sandblaster.

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