1. A person who believes that they are superior to others (and thus deserve favored status) because of their intellect, social status, wealth, or other factors.

    2. Somebody who believes that society should be ruled by an elite class.

    Elitist meaning & definition 1 of Elitist.

  • People who think they are better than everyone else.
    In terms of social groups centered are music.
    Most [Metalhead]s, [Classic Rock-head]s Indie fans, and [Hipster]s are elitists.
    Metalheads tend to think that taste in music is all that matters in the quality of a person. Also they think Metal is the ultimate music. So they think that people who listen to Metal are superior to those who do not.
    Classic Rock-heads are the same way as Metalheads. They are a little more open minded but still elitists.
    Indie fans think that unknown music is superior. They are not as strong about their musical taste as metalheads, but they still believe they are better than those who listen to bands everyone knows.
    Hipsters tend to think those who dont listen to whats in are strange and different and therefore insuperior to them.
    In terms of social groups not centered around music.
    [Jock]s, and [Prep]s are elitists.
    Most Jocks believe anyone who sucks at sports and gets good grades are insuperior to them.
    Some preps believe anyone who doesnt have a sense of fashion or isnt like them or everyone else is insuperior.

    Elitist meaning & definition 2 of Elitist.

  • Contrary to people who think that there are actually people that are elitist, most people who are elitist are arrogant pricks who place themselves as higher than others without actual evidence of their higher standing. Elitists also come in many different shades and colors, from the college student-use big words-smarter than everyone, to the gym rat who thinks that because they spend 1/2 their life lifting weights, that their life is in some way worth more than a piece of toilet paper. Most often, when one is confronted with an elitist, the first thing that anyone feels for them, upon learning that this person regards themselves as an elitist, is utter repulsion at the fact that this animal scum believes themselves to be in any way above their fellow primates.

    Elitist meaning & definition 3 of Elitist.

  • In video gaming- an individual who invests an excessive amount of time in said entertainment and derides others for not doing so.

    Elitist meaning & definition 4 of Elitist.

  • A snob. A person who feels superior to other humans based on superficial factors such as wealth, education level, physical appearance etc...ignorant people crippled by a childish sense of entitlement resulting in a failure to understand that as a species we are all one.

    Elitist meaning & definition 5 of Elitist.

  • A word used by the far right wing to label people who are intelligent as not being of the people. By doing so, the far right wing is insulting those they wish to reach by saying that couldnt possibly relate to anyone an IQ over 100.

    Elitist meaning & definition 6 of Elitist.

  • Elitist: Slang commonly used by entry lvl music plebs and posers for a person or group of people who the certain individual envys on a high level and secretly seeks friendship and approval from, however in return recieves nothing but heartache from the unaware object of their obsession.

    Elitist meaning & definition 7 of Elitist.

  • An actual elitist is someone who treats anyone who is not as rich/strong/popular as him/her like dirt. A [pretentious jerk] who has no friends and acts like hes important to make himself feel better.

    However, this is also a word sometimes used in politics to [marginalize] a person who actually knows what they are talking about, uses scientific evidence, or who knows how to lead. Rather than [elect] someone who is the most qualified to run a country, people would rather vote for the person they see drinking a beer on the news, and as a result countries end up with Presidents like George W. Bush.

    Elitist meaning & definition 8 of Elitist.

  • Relating to or supporting the view that a society or system should be led by an elite.

    Elitist meaning & definition 9 of Elitist.

  • organized for the good of a few people who have special interests or abilities:

    Elitist meaning & definition 10 of Elitist.

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