• The combination of two or more races. Can refer to couples where the individuals are of different race or children who are mixed with different races.

    Interracial meaning & definition 1 of Interracial.

  • A category of porn videos in which a black man has sex with any other non-black woman

    Interracial meaning & definition 2 of Interracial.

  • Interracial relates to marriages, relationships, or dating between different races. In the 2000 census, there were 1.6 million interracial marriages in America. The number has undoubtedly increased. One important center is Montclair, NY where mixed-race babies are the norm.
    Rebutting 2 common arguments against interracial mixing: 1. interracial mixing doesnt erase culture, because it promotes tolerance BETWEEN cultures, and the mixed children will be aware of many cultures, so that this world will have more SMART, DIVERSIFIED ppl instead of ethnocentric, ignorant ppl. It may lead to world peace.
    2. Interracial mixing doesnt harm Asian men or black women because the reason these 2 groups are losing is based on their own behavior and media stereotypes. Commonly, Asian men act ethnocentric and lacking social skills to interact with Americans of all races, similarly Black women are also resistant to other races. So, if both groups would be more open and confident at parties, dating sites, whatever, they would find great success in taking risks, and ignoring the foolish advice of traditional parents.
    Though some parents are liberal, others, especially Puritans and 1st-gen immigrants, tend to restrict their children to their own race. In this case, the children must realize theyre the future, this is their life, and their parents are bound by the false ropes of a by-gone age, so they must make the decision themselves.
    We need to understand racism and why ppl hate interracial mixing, which i call individuality interaction, since individuals interact based on personality, not appearances of race. And listen to your heart, not just your peers and parents.

    Interracial meaning & definition 3 of Interracial.

  • I wrote the definition for interracial above, as thecuriouspen, but I would like to revise what I said earlier.
    Interracial dating does have its problems when it involves racial fetishes, inequality between the two partners in power in terms of social status, or is based solely on race.
    It only makes sense to date someone without basing it on race alone, which makes it hypocritical and superficial.
    So, couples of the same race can be beautiful, and if of a different race, if its not based solely on race, same applies.

    Interracial meaning & definition 4 of Interracial.

  • A term that in reality means Black male, white female, since 99.9999% of interracial relationships are of this makeup.

    Blame [MTV] for its brainwashing of American youths, especially the particularly vulnerable and impressionable white females in America.

    White females appear to be the most gullible and therefore willing to be in interracial relationships. You see relatively few white men/black women relationships. Black women usually choose their own race, as do most hispanic women. IN fact, white women are SO accepting of banging ANYTHING youll even see them being the most common color to engage in [bestiality]. They appear to not care at all of what enters their vagina.

    The common misconception (and argument) is that skin color is the ONLY difference. However, as can be seen with diseases/illnesses that affect only certain races, such as black people, or are especially common in black people (or Mexican, etc.), genetically there are very major differences as well. This however is usually not mentioned and instead [White Guilt] and being [politically correct] is used to help further promote interracial dating (again, meaning Black guys, white girls).

    Interracial meaning & definition 5 of Interracial.

  • A crime against humanity.

    Interracial meaning & definition 6 of Interracial.

  • involving different human races:

    Interracial meaning & definition 7 of Interracial.

  • Existing between or involving different racial or ethnic groups.

    Interracial meaning & definition 8 of Interracial.

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