• Opposite of Metropolitan. Usually found living in sparsley populated areas away from the hustle

    Hillbilly meaning & definition 2 of Hillbilly.

  • A resident of the Ozarks.
    Contrary to popular belief Hillbillies are no smarter or dumber then a person from the city, though Hillbillies tend to enjoy the simpler pleasures in life, are laid back, have a penchant for homemade liquor, and have their own slang words.
    It is a gross misconception that Rednecks and Hillbillies are one in the same, in truth they are not.
    Hillbillies in short are the American version of the true Bohemian.

    Hillbilly meaning & definition 3 of Hillbilly.

  • Apocryphal attribution to isolated denizens of Appalachian Mountains,(Eastern USA) descendants of some of the earliest Scotch-English settlers, who seem to have had some proclivity for naming their children William (familiarly Bill)and some not inconsiderable inclination to incestuous sexual congress. More recently, the term is used to describe any rural resident,especially in the Southern USA and particularly those living in rather rough-hewn conditions, embracing noticably parochial ideologies and a generally hostile attitude.

    Hillbilly meaning & definition 4 of Hillbilly.

  • Contrary to popular belief, hillbillys and rednecks are NOT the same thing.

    Live in the mountains. (hence the name) appalaichians or the ozarks.
    Are from the South
    Are most of the time educated, they just enjoy the simpler things in life, and dont like to live near a ton of people.
    Mostly, very family and friend oriented people.

    In my experience, mostly come from texas.. basically the regions in the south that dont have mountains.
    Are also educated mostly, they also dont like to live with alot of people around, but they are usually a little less civiliazed then hillbillys.
    Can get very roudy.. (loud, kinda crazy) but all in all, both are very good people,
    and both have traditional Southern values.

    Hillbilly meaning & definition 5 of Hillbilly.

  • A hillbilly is me
    A hillbilly is proud of dirt roads and creeks
    A hillbilly is all about kicking a friends members ass for shaming a name
    A hillbilly makes a family.. blood or not
    A hillbilly is not to proud to [drag out] [the vacuum cleaner] Crack open a beer wearing a [moomoo] getting ready to cook Thanksgiving dinner and sit a chair directly in front of that oven turn on vacuum and clean that oven out with the vacuum hose listening to my tunes as loud as possible...enjoying every second of life..as a hillbilly

    Hillbilly meaning & definition 6 of Hillbilly.

  • someone better [educated] and more entrepenueral than the average [resident] of [Cincinnati]....am one

    Hillbilly meaning & definition 7 of Hillbilly.

  • Similar to a redneck but less drunk and obnoxious, nor [imbred]. See, our trucks are for getting around and exploring the mountains on the back roads, redneck trucks are eye candy that is more expensive than what is reasonable for there income.
    Hillbillies are not ignorant, and some may even have education.
    Redneck idiots [knock up] there 2nd cousins and the result is a child with physical and mental illness, whereas hillbillies wear a condom.
    Simple. Why complicate [shituff].
    Rednecks waste 20 bucks on a 12 pack, whereas we spend 20 bucks on sugar and yeast and end up with hooch for 2 for weeks.
    Some people call us cheap, but a more hillbilly way of saying that is called thrifty or financially savy.
    Opinionated, but these opinions derived from observation and experience.
    Not all of us are yanks, some of us are canuckleheads. Our home and native land, eh.
    When something is [jerry rigged] or put together creatively out of other things, it is a [hillbilly rig].

    Hillbilly meaning & definition 8 of Hillbilly.

  • A high-elevation [redneck].

    Hillbilly meaning & definition 9 of Hillbilly.

  • White [skinned], american who drives a [pickup truck], watches nascar and takes his cousin out to eat at [burgerking] before he fucks her.

    Hillbilly meaning & definition 10 of Hillbilly.

  • a person from a mountainous area of the US who has a simple way of life and is considered to be slightly stupid by people living in towns and cities

    Hillbilly meaning & definition 11 of Hillbilly.

  • An unsophisticated country person, associated originally with the remote regions of the Appalachians.

    Hillbilly meaning & definition 12 of Hillbilly.

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