• Means mind manifesting. It is used to describe the state of consciousness typically experienced while under [drugs] such as [LSD], [mushrooms], [mescaline] and [cannabis] - consisting of various stages of ego-release and an often startling alteration of perceptions.
    This word is also applied to the writings, art, movies and music that are inspired by or that enhance the psychedelic experience.
    The term was coined by psychiatrist Humphrey Osmond, MD who was disatisfied with the old term used to describe the experience psychomimetic which alluded to the experience replicating psychosis.

    Psychedelic meaning & definition 1 of Psychedelic.

  • Any drug which brings about a hallucinogenic, somtimes spiritual trip, such as [lsd], or [shrooms]. Popular drugs of the 60s.

    Psychedelic meaning & definition 2 of Psychedelic.

  • A more formal term originally used to describe something that seems inspired by a mind-altering drug, or the effects of the drug itself. Drugs classified as psychedelic include [marijuana] and [LSD].
    More commonly now, since the age of psychedelia ended in the early-70s, the term is used solely to describe things that seem inspired by or seem to replicate the experience of mind-altering drugs. The term is most often applied to art that utilizes bright colours and bizarre patterns or music that uses strange, non-standard timing signatures, keys, chords, and the like. The term is somewhat synonymous with [trippy].

    Psychedelic meaning & definition 3 of Psychedelic.

  • A word that originated in San Francisco, in the 60s Summer of Love movement which also began in The City, it inspired psychedelic rock and drugs, but the word itself is to be used when something is super awesome.

    Psychedelic meaning & definition 4 of Psychedelic.

  • great music of the 1960s. influenced by [ravi shankar], [the beatles], [elvis], [buddah], [jesus], [drugs], and [hippies].

    [nuggets] is a pretty good example of a great psychedelic compilation.

    Psychedelic meaning & definition 5 of Psychedelic.

  • can refer to an actual hallucinogen, the substance itself. Acid, mushrooms, peyote, mescaline, and numerous research chemicals qualify

    2)more often used to describe art produced by visions after ingesting psychedelic drugs. This art may be visual, musical, comedy, acting in movies, cartoons, and other forms dedicated to the psychedelic experience a person has under the influence

    Psychedelic meaning & definition 6 of Psychedelic.

  • a copyrighted psychedelic, abstract, colorful movie done made with iMovie HD to create a beautiful computer animation.

    Psychedelic meaning & definition 7 of Psychedelic.

  • Psychedelic music is a form of electronic music. Based off early psychedelic rock, such as Pink Floyd. Such artists include Infected Mushroom, Atmos, DJ Guy Salama, Raja Ram to name some of the more commercial acts.

    Psychedelic meaning & definition 8 of Psychedelic.

  • (of a drug) causing effects on the mind, such as feelings of deep understanding or unusually strong experiences of colour , sound, taste, and touch :

    Psychedelic meaning & definition 9 of Psychedelic.

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