• Adjective used to describe a woman who acts like a whore.

    Slutty meaning & definition 1 of Slutty.

  • Likes to expound upon her sexual prowess and conquests....with either gender.
    Pretends to befriend one only to gain insider information to then disseminate to any and all within phone line distance.
    Steals alleged friends boyfriends.
    Attention whore. (Self-professed, no less!)
    Whore who doesnt expect payment.

    Slutty meaning & definition 2 of Slutty.

  • Slutty [adj]- How an ugly girl describes a pretty girl.

    Slutty meaning & definition 3 of Slutty.

  • What (high school) freshman girls currently (as well as Jr. Highers) are becoming more and more of as the years progress.

    Slutty meaning & definition 4 of Slutty.

  • A nasty term usually given by jealous men to women who are highly sexed and not satisfied by one man.
    Men are not called slutty, just players or studs.

    Slutty meaning & definition 5 of Slutty.

  • An offensive adjective <- usually -> refering to a female, hopefully at least 15 and it doesnt matter after 29, who is not only brazenly promiscous, but also indiscriminately so. However, nowadays, slutty can refer to any young woman sowing her wild oats or maybe that should be having her wild oats sowed?

    Slutty meaning & definition 6 of Slutty.

  • someone who likes to sleep around with lots of people.
    slutty girls are often the ones that think they are very [sexy], but they usually are not at all. girls that are hardcore [druggie]s, they will use [alcohol] as an excuse to be a [whore]

    Slutty meaning & definition 7 of Slutty.

  • Slutty [adj]- How an ugly girl describes a pretty girl.

    Slutty meaning & definition 8 of Slutty.

  • to be drunk and misbehaving, usually only said in England by dumb American bitches from Lebanon county.

    Slutty meaning & definition 9 of Slutty.

  • Tasty, incredibly succulent, dripping with juices. Just as a slutty women provides extreme pleasure for all senses, so does slutty food.

    Slutty meaning & definition 10 of Slutty.

  • An adjective used to describe the amount of [pollen] (aka: tree [spooge], plant jizz, [tree jizz]) that sticks to individual cars.

    Slutty meaning & definition 11 of Slutty.

  • A girl that tends to wear low-cut [clothing] and looks [as if] shes trying to get guys to [stare]

    Slutty meaning & definition 12 of Slutty.

  • an expression that you use to [exclaim] u have been [harshly] [done] by.

    Slutty meaning & definition 13 of Slutty.

  • (with reference to a woman) sexually promiscuous or provocative in a way that is considered in bad taste.

    Slutty meaning & definition 14 of Slutty.

  • looking like or relating to a person, especially a woman, who has a lot of sexual relationships without any emotional involvement:

    Slutty meaning & definition 15 of Slutty.

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