• A scab or freeloader who comes to your house uninvited and overstays his welcome (For more than about 3 days) and proceeds to eat all your food, stink up your bathroom, take all your drugs and just generally leech all the blood from your body during their stay.

    Mooch meaning & definition 1 of Mooch.

  • Someone who wants something for free .. someone who takes and takes but doesnt give back.

    Mooch meaning & definition 2 of Mooch.

  • A [sponge]. A [schnorrer]. A person who shows up every evening at dinner time. A person who wants other people to pay his way.

    Mooch meaning & definition 3 of Mooch.

  • 1)walking randomly and aimlessly around, or just hanging out with nothing to do
    2) something to say when youre not sure really what to do

    Mooch meaning & definition 4 of Mooch.

  • Freeloader

    Mooch meaning & definition 5 of Mooch.

  • A person who takes everyone elses shit; sometimes the mooch will ask for something (like one chip from the bag), and then continue to eat those chips until the bag is completely finished. This also known as a Mathew Hunter Cullen.

    Mooch meaning & definition 6 of Mooch.

  • 1# Someone who leeches off other people.
    2# Round here some people say mooch instead of walk.

    Mooch meaning & definition 7 of Mooch.

  • [mooch] the verb to mooch is to mill about, to mingle and/or to brouse

    Mooch meaning & definition 8 of Mooch.

  • A [sponge]. A [schnorrer]. A person who shows up every evening at dinner time. A person who wants other people to pay his way.

    Mooch meaning & definition 9 of Mooch.

  • [mooch] the verb to mooch is to mill about, to mingle and/or to brouse

    Mooch meaning & definition 10 of Mooch.

  • Loiter in a bored or listless manner.

    Mooch meaning & definition 11 of Mooch.

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