• A character on the popular anime DB, DBZ and DBGT. Not the brightest star in the sky but can kick the shiz out of just about anyone. And if not, he can eat you due to his freakishly huge appetite.

    Goku meaning & definition 1 of Goku.

  • A white guy trying to be asian. Arised from the movie Dragonball Evolution in which Goku, the main character based on the popular Japanese manga, was played by a white guy which was suppose to be of asian decent (in my opinion anyways). lol

    Goku meaning & definition 2 of Goku.

  • (also known as [kakarot])
    wife:chi chi, father in law:ox king, sons: gohan, goten, daughter in law:videl (see [devil]), granddaughter:pan
    expressions:clueless, happy, pissed
    temperment:happy, loving, hungry
    (goku may seem a little dim, but hes alot smarter than he lets on)
    loves:food, everyone who isnt evil personified, food, fighting, food
    distinguishing features:spiky hair, tail, that son grin ^_^
    goku is hated by: villans, [vegeta]. and jealous little boys 😛
    goku is loved by:everyone else

    Goku meaning & definition 3 of Goku.

  • the greatest fighter ever,even better then rocky

    Goku meaning & definition 4 of Goku.

  • Star of [DBZ]. Not exactly the brightest light on the Christmas tree, but he can fight and eat like no ones business! He married ChiChi and had Gohan and Goten by her, and is almost always the one to save the day, even if hes practically dead. Vegeta always wants to fight him, but he always loses.

    Goku meaning & definition 5 of Goku.

  • One who is heavily built, muscular.

    Goku meaning & definition 6 of Goku.

  • The famous and probably one of the most remembered Anime Characters. Goku in Dragonball was a young saiyan boy who was born on planet Vegeta. When his father had a sudden psychic moment he saw what was going to happen on Planet Vegeta and saw the fight with Freiza and his son. Thus trying to save the planet instead swallowed up within the planet by a huge Energy ball. Only the following saiyan survived: Goku, Brolly, Raditz, Vegeta, Nappa. In a last ditch effort to save his son, Bardock, his father, released his pod to earth. Frieza not thinking it of a threat ignored the pod and let it travel. Gokus main goal was supposed to be to DESTROY the earth but a bump on the head caused him to forget his cause, thus being picked up by a kind old man named Gohan. The man named him Goku. When goku was with his grandfather, when the moon was out, he turned into a Giant ape, known as an Ozzaru. He stomped upon his grandfather. Growing up, Goku had enemies but soon made friends with them. His brother Raditz returned for Goku or as he called him Kakarot. With the help of King Piccolo, Goku was able to defeat Raditz but at the cost of his own. A few years later 2 even more powerful saiyans Arrived. With the help of the Dragonballs goku was brought back to life. Krillin ( His best friend ) and Gohan ( His half earthling half saiyan son ) Battled but lost. When goku fought nappa, nappa was easily defeated. When Nappa asked Vegeta to help him, he was completely obliterated by Vegeta. When goku fought vegeta, it was a long battle that started a forever lasting friendship and a bitter rivalry. With the help of a technique, Vegeta turned into a giant Ape, Almost killing Goku. When Yajirobe, a friend of Gokus, cut of Vegetas tail, it could not grow back thus turning back into his orignal form. His son Gohan, turned into a Giant ape as well, even though Vegeta managed to beat Gohan, Gohan landed on Vegeta, crushing him, and forcing him to retreat to his pod. Krillin, wanting to kill him. Almost succeeded but Goku told Krillin not to. he did as he was told. Later when Goku recovered they Traveled to namek in order to revive some of there fallen comrades, Dragonballz were located on namek and gave the ability to Grant 3 wishes. But evil was afoot, Frieza. Vegeta lost his life. When goku Charged a spirit bomb and Frieza was Seemingly Destroyed. He emreged completely whole. Shooting an energy beam at Piccolo, Piccolo was rendered helpless. Then using Telekinesis she blew Krillin to bits. When Krillin was blown apart and killed Goku snapped, thus revealing his true Saiyan powers. He transformed into a Super saiyan. Frieza feared this the most. Many people believe Goku is the legendary super saiyan because he was the first is over 1000 years to become one. Not true, later one another saiyan Emerges named Brolly, and he transformed before goku. In fact it was on the day of his birth he did. Later on, much later, goku was Transformed into a Kid by the black star Dragonballs. Yet his power still remained. Thus he fought more enemies but with a new power. Super saiyan 4. Gokus Favored Techniques are. Kamehameha, Spirit Bomb, Instant Transmission ( Teleportation ) And Kaio-ken. Also a few from his friends like Solar Flare, and Destruco Disk. A few of his own, like the 10X Kamehameha, and Warp Kamehameha plug the Super Dragon Fist, though rarely seen in the cartoon. Gokus Soft happy personality is one that has cost him a few battles but yet made up for it in extreme powerful battles. IN the last Movie of the Entire Dragonball DBZ and DBZGT series, everyone is Dead. Goku, Gohan, everyone all except his granddaughter Pan who has a son named Goku, named after her grandfather. He carrys on the legend of Goku...

    Goku meaning & definition 7 of Goku.

  • the main protagonist of the anime series Dragonball Z

    Goku meaning & definition 8 of Goku.

  • Goku is a Saiyan and the star of the Animes Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball: GT No matter how many times he is killed, in the end, everyone else proves useless and he has to save the day. In fact, from day one, the writer of the Dragon Ball Manga made a rule that in the end Goku magically comes back to life (usually bending some rule thats already in place) and saves the day. He is known for his extreme transformations into a Super Saiyan, [Super Saiyan 2], [Super Saiyan 3], and the Over-powered [Super Saiyan 4]. He also is remembered by his trademark Kamehameha wave, and his huge appetite.
    Oh, and his power level is over 9000.

    Goku meaning & definition 9 of Goku.

  • noun, verb, adjective, s(m)[ex]

    1. Having a huge [appetite]
    2. Being extremely Loyal
    3. having qualities of extreme [cuteness]

    Goku meaning & definition 10 of Goku.

  • Guy that [pwns] [Vegeta] [sorry ass] all the time.

    Goku meaning & definition 11 of Goku.

  • When playing a video game i.e Halo or [Unreal] 3, [the enemy] player [lags] to another direction without you catching it. the enemy disappers to another direction and owns you.

    Goku meaning & definition 12 of Goku.

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