• A person that is normal to the point of being bland. No style, works a 9-5 job, does not express their individuality. These people can be found in Starbucks, often wearing neutral color clothes, perhaps from the GAP, while sipping a latte and discussing last nights t.v. shows as if the characters were their friends. In group settings it can be difficult to tell them apart. Beige people often never stray from their path or pack. These people commonly experience more eccentric life through others.

    Beige meaning & definition 1 of Beige.

  • description of a county/suburb/jneighborhood/restaurant, etc. that has no personality.

    Beige meaning & definition 2 of Beige.

  • Suburban camouflage

    Beige meaning & definition 3 of Beige.

  • A pale shade of brown.

    Beige meaning & definition 4 of Beige.

  • its a way of life..the beige is an upper power in which controls how things go in your life day by day somewhat like a religion..it is impossible to understand the beige without ever actually experiencing it.

    Beige meaning & definition 5 of Beige.

  • To be exiting or exeptionally good.
    (not run of the mill, or boring)

    Beige meaning & definition 6 of Beige.

  • The proper French term for beej, also known as blow job, blowie, blow-jay, head, dome, brain, knowledge, and generally sucking cock.

    Beige meaning & definition 7 of Beige.

  • (noun) Replacement of Epic

    (verb) Replacement of Pwned

    Beige meaning & definition 8 of Beige.

  • Lithgae, Scotland A word takin from a Billy Connely show in which he refers to a beige jobby in a train toilet.
    Now used as a term to describe oneself as feeling beige whilst either seriously under the influence of substances or suffering from such indulgence.

    Beige meaning & definition 9 of Beige.

  • A word for people of undetermined race. A person whose skin is beige, making it impossible to figure out their ancestry as they are darker than a white person but lighter than a black person, but not Latino or Asian. Can get away with race jokes and blend into all crowds because no one knows what their deal is.

    Beige meaning & definition 10 of Beige.

  • Something that is normal, generic, unremarkable, everyday and boring in every way, usually used to describe an automobile. The [Toyota Camry] is the ultimate definition of [beige].

    May also refer to a color, sort of a light gold-ish brown. This is a very common color for the [Camry] and other cars that fit the above definition of beige.

    Beige meaning & definition 11 of Beige.

  • ([Adj].)
    A very [blah] feeling about something. A negatively [rooted] apatheticism.

    Beige meaning & definition 12 of Beige.

  • In most cases, Beige is a [idiom] used to describe the way someone is currently acting, often in a derogatory way. The person its directed towards usually is doing something the acuser finds to be [incorrect] and/or inappropriate.

    The word itself is derived from the orignal term Blowjob, and more preticuarly its common abberviation [BJ].

    Beige meaning & definition 13 of Beige.

  • A mixture of tired, hang-overs, comedowns and just generally feeling [like shit].
    Originates from [Linlithgow], [Scotland].

    Beige meaning & definition 14 of Beige.

  • a crazy dog. Gets owned by a [Wazubba] [ina] [duel].

    Beige meaning & definition 15 of Beige.

  • Refering to an indivdual (or group of people) that is average, common place, boring, [drab], [dull], typical, not all that.

    A person who tends to have no style or apparent [aesthetic] indivdualality.

    Beige meaning & definition 16 of Beige.

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