• The ridiculous notion that being of a different culture or race (especially white) means that you are not allowed to adopt things from other cultures. This does nothing but support segregation and hinder progress in the world. All it serves to do is to promote segregation and racism.

    Cultural appropriation meaning & definition 1 of Cultural appropriation.

  • noun

    1. a pile of SJW bullshit stating that its racist to indulge in foreign cultures.

    Cultural appropriation meaning & definition 2 of Cultural appropriation.

  • Something that only Nicki Minaj can get away with

    Cultural appropriation meaning & definition 3 of Cultural appropriation.

  • The idiotic conflation of culture with racism. Essentially the absurd belief that the cultural exchange that has served to enrich humanity throughout all of human history is wrong because racists exist.

    Cultural appropriation meaning & definition 4 of Cultural appropriation.

  • Cultural appropriation or cultural apartheid is an idea intended to keep the races and cultures pure. Contamination of the dominant culture by external influences must be rejected at all costs. Used extensively by the South Africans the idea fell into disrepute until revived by SJWs.

    Cultural appropriation meaning & definition 5 of Cultural appropriation.

  • taking aspects from a minority culture, for its aesthetics, without knowing the meaning behind. this is often controversial when the appropriated culture was exploited or oppressed by the person borrowing. people are often insulted and looked down upon for having these features naturally, when someone else is praised for having them, without being from that culture.

    Cultural appropriation meaning & definition 6 of Cultural appropriation.

  • Basically Social Reposes entire channel.

    Cultural appropriation meaning & definition 7 of Cultural appropriation.

  • The act of contaminating white culture with outside influences.
    Proponents of this term demand that customs, practices or traditions that originated in a non-white culture be kept out of it.
    Increasingly, the term is used to purge non-white culture altogether.

    Cultural appropriation meaning & definition 8 of Cultural appropriation.

  • When a different culture adopts cultural traditions of another culture.
    [Thiss] a very common process in diverse locations and open-minded people, in which multiple cultures accept and adopt others traditions.
    Thiss rarely a bad thing - examples of when [cultural appropriation] is when the Nazis adopted the Swastika (卍) from Indian religions and therefore gave it a bad name.
    Barbaric philosophy of SJWs conclude that cultural appropriation is [a grave sin]. This SJW philosophy has very common traits with racial segregation, apartheid, racism, and likewise. Although SJWs believe that theyre politically correct, this racist barbaric philosophy can easily be categorized under hate speech, discrimination, or racism, or in the support of thereof.

    Cultural appropriation meaning & definition 9 of Cultural appropriation.

  • It is a Social [Justice] Warrior movement that is essentially [segregation] and extremely racist. [SJWs] claim that groups of people own their cultures and nobody is allowed to use it except for that race.

    Cultural appropriation meaning & definition 10 of Cultural appropriation.

  • a term [SJWs] use to prove that they are [left wing] racists with no [self awareness].

    Cultural appropriation meaning & definition 11 of Cultural appropriation.

  • A way for people, normally [white girls] from LA, on twitter to take [offense] for another culture while people from the actual culture normally really [don’t give a shit].

    Cultural appropriation meaning & definition 12 of Cultural appropriation.

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