• 1.Name for a girl

    2.Cute Gorgeous Looking type of girl

    Tammy meaning & definition 3 of Tammy.

  • tammy is the sweetest chick you will ever come across, happy, bubbly and they are usally short asses, with the hottest asses.

    tammys will do anything for the people they love, they are verry loyal and trusting to anyone who give them respect.
    they always get along better with guys, and because of that almost every girl will hate her. but either way if your looking for a tammy, look for the hottest chick in a crowd of boys.
    also known as the perfect one in hebrew, its no suprize that alot of people are in love with tammy.

    Tammy meaning & definition 4 of Tammy.

  • Tammy is an amazing girl. She is seriously funny and makes you laugh all the time. She is also really super smart and down-to-earth. Tammy is kind but also has a wild mischievous side. She never stops talking. She is lovely, and not to mention GORGEOUS! She is beautiful, and so cute.

    Tammy meaning & definition 5 of Tammy.

  • A Tammy is am amazing woman that does not care what others think. This person usually makes her own rules and is fierce. Sometimes a Tammy will scream and shout!

    Tammy meaning & definition 6 of Tammy.

  • The perfect one. The type of girl that will run back for or to you no matter what. She cares unconditionally about almost everything. She gives everyone the benefit of doubt, even when most dont deserve it. Tammy wont judge anyone, but she dislikes liars, fakes, and cheaters. Shes the cute, shy, girl next door. Girls named Tammy are very sweet, and can end up blushing at anything. If youre feeling down, Tammys usually are sarcastic and can make you smile in an instant. Tammys usually are very passionate in love and never forget their first love.. most even end up marrying them! They believe in true love, and even in Hebrew, the name means the perfect one. Guys with Tammys are the luckiest of all.

    Tammy meaning & definition 7 of Tammy.

  • Short fat oompa loompa

    Tammy meaning & definition 8 of Tammy.

  • When you shit yourself

    Tammy meaning & definition 9 of Tammy.

  • A kind of woolen, or woolen and cotton, cloth, often highly
    glazed, -- used for curtains, sieves, strainers, etc.

    Tammy meaning & definition 10 of Tammy.

  • AN EX WHO IS PURE EVIL. One with whom you have a volatile and [toxic relationship] with. One who manipulates their victim with [marathon sex] sessions, checks back in when youre happy and blows your happiness up just for fun- like a cat plays with a mouse before killing it. An ex you have such an extensive toxic history with and who that history is such pure awfulness with that you can just SENSE their energy and presence and [treachery] are afoot..

    Tammy meaning & definition 11 of Tammy.

  • A very [innocent] and [sweet girl] with [good morals].

    Tammy meaning & definition 12 of Tammy.

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