-Has a dirty guitar sound, strong riffs, and heavy drumming
    -Guitars usually tuned to a lower key
    -Commonly used guitar distortion and feedback
    -Draws heavily on Punk
    -Lyrics are typically angst-filled, angry, frustrated, sad, fearsome, and depressed
    -Some people dont like [Nirvana] because they were the most popular band and overshadowed bands like [Alice In Chains] and [Soundgarden]
    -Take as little effort as possible on appearence and dress for comport and affordability
    -Reject the idea that one must always purchase the things that one wants or needs from others
    -Like obscure indie bands, but disown those bands when they sign to major lables
    -Never follow trends
    -Strive for apathy and underachiement
    -Act like you dont care, even if you do
    -Usually have cynnical and negative outlooks upon life
    -Respect women and reject jocks
    1987 - [Mark Arm] of [Green River] and [Mudhoney] first uses the word Grunge
    1990 - [Andrew Wood] of [Mother Love Bone] ODs on heroin
    1991 - [Nirvana] releases [Nevermind], which breaks grunge into the mainstream
    1992 - Bands like Soundgarden, Mudhoney, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, and the Stone Temple Pilots gain popularity
    1993 - Grunge starts to decline among long time fans due to the commercializing and exploitation by corperations and bands jumping onto the bandwagon
    1994 - [Kurt Cobain] kills himself, gerorating major shockwaves around the world, another stab at grunge
    1995 - Post-grunge bands like Live and Bush rise in popularity (a watered down form of grunge without the dirty guitars and distortion)
    1997 - Soundgarden breaks up, grunge has lost its strangle-hold in the masses to pop princesses and boy bands
    2000 - All good music dies and rap, pop, and poser-punk bands roam the earth
    2002 - Nirvana tops charts with an unreleased new song; You Know Your Right
    2002 - [Layne Stayle] ODs
    2006 - Pearl Jam reminds people that theyre still alive with a new album

    Grunge meaning & definition 1 of Grunge.

  • In the early and mid 1980s, grunge was a subgenre of punk that included bands such as Green River, The Melvins and Soundgarden. Though these bands did combine elements of heavy metal and punk, the term was mainly coined to describe the murky and dirty guitar sound. Eventually, grunge was used to describe a fashion style, which consisted of torn and faded jeans, flannel shirts, and ratty t-shirts, as well as bands such as Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, and Alice in Chains.

    Grunge meaning & definition 2 of Grunge.

  • A form of Alternative Rock that had a low, dirty, grungy sound. Made popular by bands such as Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Mudhoney, Soundgarden etc. Grunge is not dead, the popularity has just died down. Grunge will make its return soon.

    Grunge meaning & definition 3 of Grunge.

  • Ill tell you what grunge isnt
    grunge is not a fashion statement. it was turned into one by preppy assed MTV suckers who thought Kurt Cobain was the shit, then took flannel shirts and ripped jeans to the runway.
    Grunge is not alive. although there are some pretty great bands out there that sound grunge, and Pearl Jam is still making records, grunge is essentially dead
    Grunge is not homo music. although grunge does not tend to slander or bash homosexuals, it is not homosexual music. it is usually called homosexual music by disgruntled hair metal fans, who are pissed off that grunge peed out the last embers of their dying scene. but you have to remember, these people idolize men who wear womens makeup and pantihose, who use more hairspray than a chick, and seem to have to show each other their cocks all the time? whats gayer, pantihose or ripped jeans... mmm i dunno!
    fans of shit-assed nu metal bands like slipknot and Marilyn Manson seem to rip on Grunge for homosexuality quite a bit.but tell me whos gayer, a quartet from seattle, sometimes featuring one or more girls, or nine fat middle aged men wearing condoms and bondage gear on their heads? mmm... another tough one.
    Grunge is not just Nirvana. contrary to what MTV tells you, grunge had a lot more bands than that. bands that were better than Nirvana, that only some people heard of. Pearl Jam, alice in chains, STP, Soundgarden. grunge had bands that were better than Nirvana that no one heard of. Mudhoney, Mother love bone, green river, Tad, Butthole Surfers, Dinosaur JR.! there were also many more tragic stories than Kurts Wife blowing his head off! like the Band that could have been bigger than Nirvana, mother love bone. poor andrew wood died of a heroin overdose when the band was still a baby. what about Shannon Hoon? what about Layne Staley? or the beautiful sucsess stories, like the bandmates of mother love bone that didnt give up, and went on to form a little band called pearl jam. ever heard of them? Im sick of People telling me that grunge died when Kurt did! SUPERUNKNOWN and holes best album live thru this were all released after this. sure, kurt Cobain was the voice of a generation, but not the only voice.
    so now you know what grunge isnt. read the other definitions to find out the meaning of grunge, or better yet, put some Mudhoney, Soundgarden, the Melvins, PJ or even Nirvana on the media player, shut your hole and listen

    Grunge meaning & definition 4 of Grunge.

  • Definition: a style of rock music featuring harsh guitar chords, heavy riffs and drumming, and whose performers wear sloppy clothes; also called grunge, grunge rock, grunge metal

    Grunge meaning & definition 5 of Grunge.

  • a derivitive of punk rock that has a disorted, murky sound. Term was first used in the early to mid 1980s to describe bands such as green river, the melvins etc...
    also called the northwest sound-as the majority of this music origionated in the pacific north west of america-especially around the seattle area, or the subpop sound, as many of the grunge records were released on this small lable.
    grunge reached the mainstream in the late 1980s/early 1990s with the breakthrough of acts such as nirvana, soundgarden, mudhoney, pearl jam, alice in chains and so on and so forth.
    grunge really ended around the time of the death of kurt cobain in 1994, but many origional fans see the end of grunge with the over comercialisation of the music around the time nirvanas nevermind was released, the most extreme case of this overcomercialisation being the vogue grunge spread.

    Grunge meaning & definition 6 of Grunge.

    1. a genre of music originating in seattle that lasted from the late 80s to the mid 90s.

    2. something almost nobody else on urbandictionary.com can correctly define.

    Grunge meaning & definition 7 of Grunge.

  • First of all, grunge is not a style. It is a genre of music that started in the late 80s. If you see a person wearing a Nirvana shirt with purple hair and Doc Martens, that does not make them grunge. They may call themselves grunge but like I said its not a fashion style. It is a music genre. Nirvana did not start grunge. There had been many bands before Nirvana that were grunge. Nirvana isnt the only mainstream grunge band either. Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots, Alice in Chains, and many more bands are all grunge. There is no such thing as soft grunge. That has never existed and it never will. When people say Grunge is dead, they dont know what they are talking about because there are bands out there that are grunge. So grunge is simply a music genre and nothing else.

    Grunge meaning & definition 8 of Grunge.

  • Yeahman.
    Grungers are the most fuck-off hardcore rockers youll find. Filthy, uncaring and quite often stoned, they have created some of the best music ever to grace Earth.
    Some say [Green River] started this phenomina, but this is argued. And to be honest, I cant be fucked.
    Nirvana werent the only, nor the best, grunge band ever. They just brought it to the masses.
    All you fuckers who are obsessed with Nirvana ought to give Mudhoney, Dinosaur Jr., Pixies, L7 and Temple of The Dog a listen.
    I could go on.
    But I dont wanna.

    Nobby of minor but very talented band, Cosmic Creeper, made me fall in love with this genre. So like, give it a listen. And well play catch with some vibes.

    Grunge meaning & definition 9 of Grunge.

  • a type of rock music and a fashion for untidy clothes, popular in the early 1990s:

    Grunge meaning & definition 10 of Grunge.

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