Moon cricket
Derived from early slave times when black people would come out at night and sing slave songs under the moonlight like crickets.
Moon cricket meaning & definition 1 of Moon cricket.
A member of the afrocentric persuasion.
Moon cricket meaning & definition 2 of Moon cricket.
Used as a deragatory term for a black person. Similar to porch monkey, nigger, or coon.
Moon cricket meaning & definition 3 of Moon cricket.
racial slur for an african american male.
Moon cricket meaning & definition 4 of Moon cricket.
If you're going to put something up to try to divide, at least put up the other meaning as well. Idiots.
Stop with the one sided meanings or definitions."The slur is also used by some Native Americans against whites: "moon" as in pale, and "cricket" as in whites have big eyes and gangly legs. Whites also make annoying sounds like crickets."
Moon cricket meaning & definition 5 of Moon cricket.
lol verry funny
Moon cricket meaning & definition 6 of Moon cricket.
Nope, they got it right the first time
Moon cricket meaning & definition 7 of Moon cricket.
A derogatory name for [African Americans], originally describing [slaves] as they would get together at night and sing under the moon. Aka Shane. Aka [YB]
Moon cricket meaning & definition 8 of Moon cricket.
A racial slur that can be used for a variety of ethnicities, with different meanings for each as defined below:
When used against a Black person: Person goes out [making noise] at night.
When used against a white person: Big Eyes and [gangly] legs.
When used against an Asian person: Snotty [violinist] whos afraid of the sun.Moon cricket meaning & definition 9 of Moon cricket.
False, where is an accredited source. Im Native American and have never heard anything ever about whites being called MCs
Moon cricket meaning & definition 10 of Moon cricket.
Why is stating what slaves were referenced as, that is still used today divisive? Im so tired of people crying division when white folks get called out for bad behavior.
Moon cricket meaning & definition 11 of Moon cricket.
what is a moon cricket for real...?
Moon cricket meaning & definition 12 of Moon cricket.
Its really as simple as this, there is good in everyone no matter the color. I am white and I've grew up with very many African cousins and most of them act better than some white people. if you cant be willing to look at the truth then your just a moron. no matter the color of your skin you still have dreams and thoughts and needs just the same as your neighbors and friends, and family. yall all just some ol racist mfs on here. martin luther king jrs looking down on you right now saying your doing great job at keeping the peace
Moon cricket meaning & definition 13 of Moon cricket.
The most prejudiced person on the face of the earth is a black male and that was told to me by an older black male that worked for my father for years and his business
Moon cricket meaning & definition 14 of Moon cricket.
- A term used to describe a gathering of people, often of African descent, singing or chanting songs and hymns under the light of the moon, reminiscent of the sounds made by crickets.
- A cultural tradition or activity that involves communal singing or chanting under the moonlight.
Note: The term Moon cricket is not a widely recognized or officially defined term in the English language, and its usage may vary depending on the region and cultural context.
Moon cricket meaning & definition 15 of Moon cricket.