• An incredibly ambiguous phrase that drives me absolutely insane when people use it.

    Hooking up meaning & definition 1 of Hooking up.

  • any form of getting some type of action, such as, making out, feeling things, or oral pleasure or sex between 2 people. A hook up is whats referred to as doing those things when your not going out with anyone

    Hooking up meaning & definition 2 of Hooking up.

  • Hooking up has come to define sexual relationships for most of todays teens and young women. It can mean anything from kissing and touching to oral sex or intercourse. Vagueness is its hallmark. A girl can say, I hooked up with so-and-so, and no one knows what she did. It protects you and makes you a player at the same time, -Aparicio (Sophomore at Boston University)


    Hooking up meaning & definition 3 of Hooking up.

  • [hook up]/[hooked up]

    To engage in romantic/sexual activity with another at a party/gathering.

    Usually, one or both partners are under the influence of alcohol, or another judgement imparing drug. Hooking up usually involves little or no emotional attachment.

    An exchange. To give/recieve/share an asset, or something of value, usually something that is tangible.

    Hooking up is most commonly used in reference to the sale/exchange of illict drugs.

    Hooking up meaning & definition 4 of Hooking up.

  • In Australia hooking up just mean kissing (with tongue. So basically you go to a party, mingle with some people and then u spot a cute guy/girl and start talking and flirting or watever and then you guys kiss. Thats hooking up. Usually isnt followed by anything after that night.

    Hooking up meaning & definition 5 of Hooking up.

  • Casual sexual activity. Sex while not in a relationship with eachother. Similar to a one-night stand, but it can happen repetedly. As long as the two people are not serious about eachother, and they have sex, its hooking up.

    Hooking up meaning & definition 6 of Hooking up.

  • for middle school: making out.
    for high school and beyond: any type of sexual activities usually refering to sex.

    Hooking up meaning & definition 7 of Hooking up.

  • Depends where you are from, its different for different states, even different cities. In Vermont it means having sex, in Mass. it means anything but sex and in Maine it either means hanging out or a one night stand deal depending on what area your from.

    Hooking up meaning & definition 8 of Hooking up.

  • Based on the age range and context this term is put in, it can mean a number of different things

    Middle school age- kissing or making out at most (unless for those few mature sluts who make make it farther)

    High School- Generally having sex. For most freshman and some sophomores, this means kissing or making out, unless they make it farther which can be common

    Young adults- sex.

    Older adults, like parents- Being really nicely helped out

    Hooking up meaning & definition 9 of Hooking up.

  • [hook up]/[hooked up]

    To engage in romantic/sexual activity with another at a party/gathering.

    Usually, one or both partners are under the influence of alcohol, or another judgement imparing drug. Hooking up usually involves little or no emotional attachment.

    An exchange. To give/recieve/share an asset, or something of value, usually something that is tangible.

    Hooking up is most commonly used in reference to the sale/exchange of illict drugs.

    Hooking up meaning & definition 10 of Hooking up.

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