• a Sexy girl who knows what shes doing in life. She loves to bite.
    Kaylees are rare creatures and tend to fall easy. When handling Kaylee be sure to catch her if she falls. Kaylee is not a whore. She is good with her tongue and an intense kisser. Be kind to her because She was created a fighter but loves to be a lover. She is one amazing creature.

    Kaylee meaning & definition 1 of Kaylee.

  • someone crazy and cute. Extremely crazy but shell end up winning you over anyways. Kaylees are great friends and very loyal. Hopefully you will be lucky enough to meet one.

    Kaylee meaning & definition 2 of Kaylee.

  • is an amazing person who has a good head on her sholder and is a great friend easy to trust and is a lot of fun she can be a bitch but thats why people love her and dam....she gotta donk!

    Kaylee meaning & definition 3 of Kaylee.

  • beautiful for starters an extremely amazing person at heart nice kind and just all around amazing. has lips that are as soft as the petals on a rose, skin as soft as velvet and a touch that can bring a smile to any ones face defnitly the most beautiful person i have meet in a long time in side and out

    Kaylee meaning & definition 4 of Kaylee.

  • Super Rad cool girl, who is one of the funniest people I know. Rock on! 😄

    Kaylee meaning & definition 5 of Kaylee.

  • The FUNNIEST FUNNIEST girl you could ever possibly meet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shes absouluty AMAZING!
    Shes REALLY REALLY talented she can do almost anything possible...Kaylees tend to be REALLY REALLY into music, and are amazing singers, and musicians. They are the most beautiful girls. They are really really sexy. The ones with the Blue eyes

    Kaylee meaning & definition 6 of Kaylee.

  • Very beautiful, and can make any guy fall for her. She is hilarious, nobody can seem to keep away or keep their eyes off her! She always steals the spotlight somehow, and she deserves the attention. They are very talented at anything they put their mind to. They are amazing singers, and dancers. They are also wonderful kissers! You will be going back for more! Youre extremely lucky if you meet one, because they are the ones that everybody wants in their arms. They are very athletic, and are beyond amazing at sports. Literally anything! They tend to grow up to be successful. VERY VERY VERY FUNNY, it never gets boring with Kaylees. If you find one, make her yours! I can guarentee that she will make you happy and your heart race forever in love. They are so loving and caring, theyre everything you could ask for. The ones with the gorgeous brown eyes and beautiful wavy/curly hair are the ones to fall for. They are very skinny and some are pretty tall. You wont regret meeting a Kaylee.

    Kaylee meaning & definition 7 of Kaylee.

  • A Kaylee is someone who is amaziing in every way. She can brighten your day with just one glance at her beautiful smile. A Kaylee will have eyes that you could look into for hours and never want to look away for a minute. A Kaylee will also be there for you when you need her most. You can count on a Kaylee to tell all of your biggest secrets because she is such an understanding and easy person to talk to. She is also the sweetest person on Earth until you piss her off. Never ever ever piss of a Kaylee. She will get you. Kaylees are also known for just flat out how amazing and loving they are. If you ever find one you should keep close ties with her because she will sometimes be the only one there to catch you wen you are fallling.

    Kaylee meaning & definition 8 of Kaylee.

  • The cooles freeeekin person in the whole wold. Better friends with guys than girls, girls are to bitchy.Very pretty, and has a lot of friends.

    Kaylee meaning & definition 9 of Kaylee.

  • Most people find themselves wanting to be friends with Kaylees and find it hard to live without them. Kaylees have a sweet appearance and many people take advantage of them unleashing the fierceness of a Kaylee. This is always a mistake to unveil the beast also called a Buffy hard ass. Kaylees are extremely funny and they always crack jokes. They are the life of the party which is also called Buffy the Vodka Slayer. They say swear words loudly when surprised known as Nasty Bubbles and does several slave chores like dishes and dropping off mail as a P.I.T. A princess in training. Kaylees are interesting and OCD. They often make list and dream of having a house full of cats, puppies, and babies. They love name brands and most of all money. Kaylees arent quite greedy but love the thought. Kaylees only enjoy the company of attractive people and Kaylees also enjoy being dominated (It is a sexual thing for Kaylees.) Infact they are also good kissers and get a bit roudy. A Kaylee has the ellegance of a swan and the sexual hunger of a tigress.

    Kaylee meaning & definition 10 of Kaylee.

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