• stanky leg

    dance that makes you look stupid by the GS boyz

    dance where you stick out your leg and rotate it around.

    Stanky leg meaning & definition 1 of Stanky leg.

  • Stupid dance, performed mostly by tools who think its the shit. Give it 6 months max before everyone realizes how moronic it is, if its not outright forgotten because of the hype of the next shitty-ass throw-away dance move - the kind that will embarass your children in 20 years.

    Stanky leg meaning & definition 2 of Stanky leg.

  • When a female does not take a shower for a couple of days and trys to fan the smell of her stanky vergina by shaking her leg.

    Stanky leg meaning & definition 3 of Stanky leg.

  • A dance which originated in Texas consisting of bending ones knees and rotating a leg like a jump rope. It is the lamest dance ever created.

    Stanky leg meaning & definition 4 of Stanky leg.

  • Once again the young ones are doing something that they do not know what the meaning is, in the past (80s) when a couple used to dance toghether and the female became aroused the male ended up with a stinky Leg or in some situations when that time of the month ended on the males pants we call that the same, so next time you decide to dance something like this get informed first...Good Dancing.

    Stanky leg meaning & definition 5 of Stanky leg.

  • A womans or she-mans unwashed Vagina dripping sweaty,stanky,smelly gunk down ones leg.
    Usually this odor can funktify an entire room or 100 ft radius.
    A ridiculous dance that girls do to try to look sexy and cool.
    Instead, they look like the little dirty whores they really are.

    Stanky leg meaning & definition 6 of Stanky leg.

  • n. Supposedly a dance, but it is best known as great way to embarrass yourself on the dance floor.

    Also, sadly, the probable future of hip-hop.

    Stanky leg meaning & definition 7 of Stanky leg.

  • When a lovely lady is booty dancing on the dance floor and the gentleman sticks his leg out and rotates it, grinding it up in the booty, giving him a stanky leg

    Stanky leg meaning & definition 8 of Stanky leg.

  • When someone gives you a pedicure then asks you to stick your toe in their butthole .

    Stanky leg meaning & definition 9 of Stanky leg.

  • [Adjective] A leg with a discreet smell but a flamboyant and devious motion. Most commonly seen on a Sunday night, during the first night of freshers week in the city of Chester.

    Stanky leg meaning & definition 10 of Stanky leg.

  • [Adjective] A leg with a discreet smell but a flamboyant and devious motion. Most commonly seen on a Sunday night, during the first night of freshers week in the city of Chester.

    Stanky leg meaning & definition 11 of Stanky leg.

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