• typical scene girl:
    -choppy hair
    -usually black
    -septum ring
    -has a myspace with pictures of her from crazy angles with a TUFF face on because shes so hardxcore
    -goes to local shows all the time
    -belongs to a livejournal community called cuntxcore or gungunbangbang or murderscene. because anything involving guns, or bang, or murder, or glamour, electric, shock, lust, or cunt, is cool in her book
    -often says things like SUP NIGZ or KTHXBAI or I HATE YOU KDIE or IM COOLER THAN YOU K or SUP IM RAD on their myspace profile
    -loves dinosaurs and robots and little girl bows and headbands because its just the way things are in the scene. dont ask them why all of them happen to find all of these things suddenly attractive, because they dont know themselves, its just what TOTALLY SCENExCORE people do.
    usually theyre just obnoxious bitches who put on this scener than thou attitude and hate everyone else, kthxbai lol.

    Scene meaning & definition 1 of Scene.

  • Okay kids. Enough trash talk. Lets have a neutral definition, because its a bit childish to use on online dictionary to attack people. PLEASE.
    The word scene coves a large spectrum throughout recent history, but its most modern definition is used to describe certian subcultures and movements. The most notoriously famous and targeted is the alternative music scene, or more specifically, branches of the alternative music scene such as hardcore, indie, fashoionxcore, etc. A breed of scenesters (people on the scene) has begun to come to the forefront. These scenesters are usually very music-savvy and loyal to a few specific genres (typically hardcore, metal, indie, retro, 80s new wave, classic rock, etc. to name a few), of which they dress to exemplify. It is hard to pin down a style for a scene male or female, considering the trends amongst them vary from coast to coast, and certian fads come in and out within their ranks. Typically, though, many scene kids will have facial piercings, tattoos, and longer hair. It is not unusual to see teased hair with long bangs on males, or short fauxhawks (a mohawk without the sides shaved, a fashion-friendly version) on females. It is almost a throwback to the revolution of Britians glam era, very androgynous and fresh. Scenesters take a lot of pride in their overall image, and often they appreciate shock value. Oftentimes they are thrifty, employing their abilities as bargian-hunters and do-it-yourself gurus to do something unique with their style. Large vintage sunglasses, retro patterns, tight jeans, classic metal/band tees, plastic jewelry, and heavy eye makeup are just some of the incorperations into scene style for either sex. This style and showmanship is at its height during shows (concerts), where often scene kids will meet their friends and size up strangers who visit their turf. There indeed is competition among scenesters...sometimes friendly, sometimes not. Shows are in fact not just concerts, but often a means of socialization for those on the scene. Those people who partake in scene lifestyle often choose to date/socialize only with those like them, which can cause bitterness or rejection to outsiders.
    The music scene is often associated with other areas that scenesters are interested in, which is liekely, art, photography, creative writing, poetry, tattoos

    Scene meaning & definition 2 of Scene.

  • Evidently on urbandictionary.com, being scene means you are a self-indulgent douche bag you uploads eleventy-billion pictures of yourself looking scene. Congrat-u-fucking-lations. You can use a camera.

    Scene meaning & definition 3 of Scene.

  • How to be Scene:
    First and foremost, your AIM/MSN screen name should be some rad song title and/or lyric. Remember, the more xs you have in it, the more scene you are.
    Next, go buy yourself some girls jeans. Face it, the tighter your jeans are, the more scene you will be, and the more the hardcore kids will hate you for it. Try on a pair of jeans and find that youre a perfect womans 2? Buy a womans 0 and suck it in.
    After you buy your jeans, go straight to Hot Topic and buy every single band shirt they have. Even if youve never listened to the band, or worse, never head of them either. If people ask you about them, just say you like the old stuff and no one will ever know that you actually hate Norma Jean. Never buy anything larger than a Youth Medium. Ever.
    Dont forget to pick up a white leather belt on your way out!
    So, now youre dressed pretty scene, but hows your hair? Is it dyed black? Maybe with some bleach-blonde streaks? Do your bangs cover one of your eyes? If you answered no to any of these, shut up, grab a pair of scissors, and chop away. Never go and get your hair done, ALWAYS do it yourself.
    Good job. Now your hair is the sex. But, your look wont get you anywhere if you dont know how to dance. And by dance, I mean beat the crap out of people. First of all, you need to make sure you claim your space in the pit. As the band starts, push everyone back and scream something obscene. Then you need to start to pace the pit just so everyone knows that you can move in your pants. Pacing the pit involves doing a half walk-half skip across the room, while looking downwards and shaking your head. But dont mess up your hair.
    Then, when the time is right [trust me, youll know when] throw your arm back and hopefully, youll hit someone in the face.
    5 scene points if his nose bleeds.
    Begin two-stepping. If you dont know how to two-step, you might as well leave and go practice in your living room in front of a mirror until you get it. Add some sweet floor-punches and a couple spin-kicks into the crowd, and youre set. Now for the pile up! As everyone runs up to the stage, make sure you go last so you can be that cool kid on top of the pile. If you dont know the words to the song, fake it, and hope that its just screaming.
    Your job is done.
    Stand in the middle of the floor, with your arms crossed and survey the scene.
    Good job scene. Good job.
    So youre offically labeled bunshole now that youve given a couple of people black eyes. Thats ok, its the point.
    Now that youre back home, go straight for your computer and immediately check your myspace. Get really pissed off when you dont have any friend requests, and get even more pissed off when no one has left you a comment in the 6 hours you werent home. Figure its because you havent updated your pictures in a couple of weeks and go take some more. Take about 80, but use the 2 most flattering ones. Remember, the more skin you show, or if youre sitting on the toilet, the more comments you will get.
    Go outside and have a cig break and redraw the black Xs on your hands. Afterall, you ARE straightedge. Everyone KNOWS cigs dont count!
    Look up at the stars, sigh, and thank god that youre not emo.
    Even though you really are.

    Scene meaning & definition 4 of Scene.

  • The term Scene usually deals with Hardcore/Fashioncore kids. Guys and Girls who are usually (almost ALWAYS) Egotistic, Self-Centered, Narcissistic. Loves taking pictures of themselves. The pictures usually consist of the scene he/she throwing a peace sign and making a sassy facial expression. The scene he/she with big glasses. The scene he/she with their hand almost covering their mouth and the eyes to the side as if they were saying uh oh. Finally, the scene he/she with his or her crew. Many pictures are photoshopped to make them look as Sex as can be. They spend hours on their myspace making it look as trendy as possible. Talk to people they will never meet for hours on end. A simple scene kid to scene kid conversation is shown below. These kids are cocky. They will tell you they think theyre ugly and show you the 1,000 pictures proving it. They are better then you according to them. They love to bring the hang out with all of their scene friends. Many will call themselves straight edge yet share nude pictures and drink because they are sad. Scene kids make fun of others who arent like them. Many scene kids think they are non-conformist, although you take a look through myspace and youll see a million others just like them. They quote movie lines over and over showing the lack of originality they actually have. They LOVE using slang and talking like a thug. Scene kids also love to write notes to others and take pictures of themselves with the note in hand. The Vegan scenesters are usually vegans because its cool not because they have a love for animals. They love throwing their sassy ass into the pit and giving everyone a taste of their hardcore dance. Ive seen many kids at shows watch the Hardcore pit and not the band. I could honestly go on for a while but Im sick of thinking about it.

    Scene meaning & definition 5 of Scene.

  • The new thing for 15-20 y/o kids on myspace.
    Scene Clothes:
    Tight Band T-shirts
    Obscure Vintage T-Shirts
    Tight Girl Pants (on guys)
    Super Straight Leg Pants (on girls)
    Van Slip-Ons (2 pairs)
    White Studded belts
    Fingerless Gloves
    Bandanas on: wrist, head, in pocket, around neck etc.
    Scene Hair:
    MUST be 2 colors and dyed in random sections. Red, Blonde, Black. (Neon Colors acceptable too.)
    Choppy, and looks as if it was cut at home.
    Almost mullet-like, with bangs.
    Scene Accessories:
    Lip ring(s).
    Many sexx braclets.
    Headbands and bows. (for girls)
    (2-3)Obsure band pins on sweater or on jeans near crotch.
    Eyeliner and over-the-top eye makeup (must be MAC or clinique)(on boys and girls)
    Stretched ears.
    Septum Piercing. (on girls only)
    Abnormally large sunglasses.
    TONS of rings.
    Fake pearl/bead necklaces.
    Scene Personality:
    Goes to MANY shows, almost every day. 2 on weekends.
    Listens to hardxcore music.
    Usually only goes to shows to hardxcore dance and talk shit about non-scene kids, or about the band.
    HATES anyone not scene
    Has a strange, almost leet-ish vocabulary. (AKA: LYEK OMFG I WENT TO THIS SHOW

    Scene meaning & definition 6 of Scene.

  • Scene is a culture made mostly of teenagers and is relatable to [emo]. It is a culture derived to reject the norm. [Scene kids] might often be quoted as saying I hate people that arnt themselves or I dress this way because this is who I am!. Ironically, there has become a set mold which [scene kids] seemingly strive to fit, and they all look/act the same.

    Scene guys often wear:
    -Tight jeans
    -tight t shirts, often from elementary school/middle school, or picked up from the local thrift store.
    -tight blazers and jackets, even during a warm summer.
    -Long, greesy hair, cut and dyed at home, with bangs that cover 1/2 of a scene guys face at a 45 degree angle.

    Scene girls often wear:
    -Bright colored makeup
    -Short, choppy hair, usually thicker on one side, and containing 2 colors.

    [Scene kids] are almost required to own a [myspace] page. Here, they will network with hundreds of other [scene kids], post dozens of pictures of themselves (from different, crazy angles and more often than not, incorporating a bathroom mirror), and write blogs about pointless teenage drama which nobody else truly cares about.

    Scene meaning & definition 7 of Scene.

  • Judging by the pictures, its just [emo] with better lighting.

    Scene meaning & definition 8 of Scene.

  • Usually divided between certain types of music (Indie, Punk, hXc, what-fucking ever). The members of each scene usually conform to a certain type of dress and even type of thinking. Scenesters typically react to the other scenes with disgust and contempt.

    In other words, its white youths answer to fucking street gangs.

    Scene meaning & definition 9 of Scene.

  • The current trend. The girls and guys have the same haircuts. They try to make it look naturally messy and cut it themselves, but they use tons of hairspray and pomade. They wear tight pants and dye random hair sections white while the rest is black. They wear tight band shirts, white studded belts, and dark jeans sometimes rolled once. They wear New Balances or Aasics. They MUST have a [myspace] or else. They MUST take millions of pictures and wear eyeliner regardless of their sex. They like to take pictures of themselves holding signs that say OMGZ ADRIENNE YOU ARE THE SEXXX! And they like to use words like haute all the time and they type all funny.

    Scene meaning & definition 10 of Scene.

  • The place where an incident in real life or fiction occurs or occurred.

    Scene meaning & definition 11 of Scene.

  • Term used by [emos] who are trying to [sound] [sophisticated].

    Scene meaning & definition 12 of Scene.

  • Colloquial term commonly used in Pakistan. On its own, Scene refers to the way things are. A plan is often referred to as a scene.

    Scene? means whats [the plan]? or what should we do?

    Commonly used terms include good scene, bad scene, scene (is) on, or scene (is) off.

    Also, a colloquial term used in [Lahore] sometimes is scene on (pronoucned [awn]) bachiyan down (pronounced da-awn)

    For those who dont know, bachiyan means girls.

    So for instance:

    Scene meaning & definition 13 of Scene.

  • Now, children, please calm down. This website is for giving people clear definitions on a subject, not for puting certain people down.
    Scene is a sub-culture that is spreading around quite quickly. These people wear brightly-colored [cloting], such as graphic tees, skinny jeans, childish bows, and neon makeup. They usually have a taste for Hello Kitty, [Gloomy Bear], dinosaurs, robots, rainbows, stars, and polka dots. 99.9% of them have MySpace, [Buzznet], Bebo, Friendster, [Hi5], [MyYearbook], VampireFreaks, or other social networking pages. They usually choose career paths such as modeling, music, photography, or business. Thier hair is usually 2+ colors and poofed up and teased. Yes, they may all look the same, but dont all preps look the same? Dont all goths look the same? Dont all emos look the same? They listen to mainly rock, techno, or random music. They say things like [kthnxbai] or stellar, yo. They have confidence and they dont like to be put down. Yes, I am scene and I think this is a very accurate definition.

    Scene meaning & definition 14 of Scene.

    Basically an adjective for a series of sub-cultures, and a type of person who is regularly seen at certain hang-outs/shows. Although most people associate Scene with emo, it can also be used to describe people with an alternative music or fashion taste: electro pop, indie, [post-punk] or whatever other trillion sub-genres there are. More original [scenesters] are inspired by anime, the 80s and genuine music/art pioneers such as [Andy Warhol]. They also genuinely support gay rights, while the more bratty scenesters are the kind of kids who made fun of gays/lesbians in 7th grade yet now find guy-on-guy kissing orgasmic.
    The majority however are in it for the trend, and talk [lioke] dis [ni99a], K? K. And claim to be bisexual even though they really only ever like either boys or girls. And know absolutely nothing about art or where any of their ubiquitous little trademarks originated.
    [Scenesters] are united by their love of all things cutesy: [polka dots], Pokemon, dinosaurs, plug/button earrings, ribbons, hair bows, lace gloves, robots and pearl necklaces.
    Its vital for a scenester to have a myspace: this is practically an online [meeting point] for the Scene, where the typically 16-20-year-olds will talk about what [hardxcore] show theyll be at, and how: omfgzz bbq dun be ghey, so cum 2 c [Shiny Toy Guns] feat. Jeffree Star [lolzzz]. K. Thx. Bai.
    Although scenesters claim to be 100% original, you will notice that all their profiles are exact copies of each other, therefore they are uncannily easy to spot - tiny writing repeating the same tired [old thing], like how their friends are better than yours, and how scene/[br00t4l] they are, how you can fuck off if you [hate the way] they look. And then bizarrely ending it with ily i love you. Their Scene nickname must be in brackets, as its hard to identify them on the Scene since they all look the same. Pictures of their friends saying: Dollxface pwns!. 53,1897 friends. A trillion [phoney] ass-licking comments. Blogs feature bf/gf applications even if they have a pic of their actual teh sexx bf/gf of 2 days splattered all over their page or personal photography, 2 which their crew will remark: omgzz yew r lyke soo talented. Most of them know each other hence the name Scene. Their pictures are as follows: taken by themselves, big multi-colored hair, a cute [close-up] of MAC [kohl] plastered eyes

    Scene meaning & definition 15 of Scene.

  • The location of an event that attracts attention.

    Scene meaning & definition 16 of Scene.

  • To exhibit as a scene; to make a scene of; to display.

    Scene meaning & definition 17 of Scene.

  • an incident (real or imaginary)

    Scene meaning & definition 18 of Scene.

  • a consecutive series of pictures that constitutes a unit of action in a film

    Scene meaning & definition 19 of Scene.

  • a subdivision of an act of a play

    Scene meaning & definition 20 of Scene.

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