• n. any gathering of people centered around listening to and dancing to electronic music, as played by a set of live djs. Originated in 1989 in the UK as underground, often illegal gatherings in abandoned warehouses. Often characterized by the positive, psychedelic atmosphere, influnced often (but not always) by drugs and casual sex.

    v. to dance in a style characteristic of dancers at raves, synonymous with fluid, liquid

    Rave meaning & definition 1 of Rave.

  • [n.] An organized underground party involving music and dancing. Raves typically involve one or more DJs playing electronic dance music such as techno, trance, breakbeat, jungle, and ambient. Usually starting after dusk and lasting through til dawn, drug use at raves often runs rampant; particularly the use of Ecstasy and LSD. Raves can vary greatly in size and scope, hosting from dozens to thousands of guests, and lasting from one night to a few days. Classically, ravers have maintained a strong community spirit and have promoted an ideal called PLUR, an acronym for Peace, Love, Unity and Respect. These values have unfortunately faded somewhat since the onset of a newer generation of ravers unfamiliar with these concepts so elemental to the original scene.

    Rave meaning & definition 2 of Rave.

  • radical audio visual experience

    Rave meaning & definition 3 of Rave.

  • a rave is a realistic game of pacman.

    Rave meaning & definition 4 of Rave.

  • 1)A dance party that lasts all night and electronically synthesized music is played usually in the jungles or places where nobody knows about , involves drugs but not necissarily ( depends on the person), and good psytrance music.. by professional djs , very colourful psychedelic lights, fire twirlers and lotsa peace and fun if u enjoy the music and youre trippin..its like another world. also involves sex and fire twirlers
    2) full moon party with goa trance music and israelis djs and hippie happy people.

    Rave meaning & definition 5 of Rave.

  • A party in which people dress crazy, go crazy, smoke crazy things, drink a lot.

    To sail. Sailing is when you get drunk off of Sailor Jerrys rum, and when you drink classy shit like Mikes Hard and Stella. Sailing is the shit.

    To rave: To have a fucking good time.

    Rave meaning & definition 6 of Rave.

  • An all night dance party that attracts people from many different walks of life. Many these days have become commercialized, however there are small areas which still carry the original spirit and vibe of these parties. A rave can be held in someones house, outdoors, a small community hall, a large venue such as an arena or a number other places. Where there are a few people, sound equiptment and a couple DJs, it can be considered a rave.

    Rave meaning & definition 7 of Rave.

  • Free party! Illegal warehouse party where organisers break into abandoned buildings with speakers, lights projectors and a bar. Speaker systems or rigs can be louder than those of some clubs systems. Dance (techno,jungle, Dnb etc) is played all night and can sometimes cary on for a few days.

    Rave meaning & definition 8 of Rave.

  • A gathering with different people from all over the world, it could be held in the forest, desert, or in a warehouse. Starts in the night hours and can last until the next morning. Upon entering the rave it becomes a whole different world with all the light effects, different generes of music being spun by local and world famous djs (i.e Hardcore, Jungle,DrumnBass, House,Trance, any type of electornic music). Speakers that will blow you away, but gives off a vibration that makes you connect with the music. People are able to be free and open without being judged. Also, has dancers that are some of the best and some who march to to the beat of their own drum. Can be known for a place of drugs( acid, extacy, ketamine, weed) and sexual behavoiar. But is also known as a place of peace, the music is what brings us together.One must have an open mind to attend a rave. Once was a scene that was underground, but since then has faded due to the new generation of kids who do not understand the music and only the drugs.

    Rave meaning & definition 9 of Rave.

  • [n.] An organized underground party involving music and dancing. Raves typically involve one or more DJs playing electronic dance music such as techno, trance, breakbeat, jungle, and ambient. Usually starting after dusk and lasting through til dawn, drug use at raves often runs rampant; particularly the use of Ecstasy and LSD. Raves can vary greatly in size and scope, hosting from dozens to thousands of guests, and lasting from one night to a few days. Classically, ravers have maintained a strong community spirit and have promoted an ideal called PLUR, an acronym for Peace, Love, Unity and Respect. These values have unfortunately faded somewhat since the onset of a newer generation of ravers unfamiliar with these concepts so elemental to the original scene.

    Rave meaning & definition 10 of Rave.

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