• Gains is best described as a lifestyle that many take to put on muscle and get into shape.
    The term has been popularized by the [hodgetwins] youtube channel.

    However, gains isnt just about getting big muscles and looking lean. The complex lifestyle of making gains is commonly misinterpreted by the fat and lazy as simple meathead/roid user terminology. One will find that making gains consists of: the process of lifting, eating healthy, and making life decisions based off of ones health.

    It can also refer to something that something that brings one great pleasure and be used to describe things or people.

    Gains meaning & definition 1 of Gains.

  • The world revolves around getting gains therefore everything is gains, all human beings strive to recieve gains and get big. only tuna can help you recieve gains. gains gains gains gains are all types of gains, whereas gains are those which are acquired through protein heavy foods such as; tuna, tuna, steak, tuna and john west tuna. Think of the gains!

    Gains meaning & definition 2 of Gains.

  • What you have when you workout and get jacked.

    Gains meaning & definition 3 of Gains.

  • A term of appreciation, originally used amongst frequent gym goers to describe a gain in muscle.
    however now expanding as a term of appreciation for general bad assery.

    Gains meaning & definition 4 of Gains.

  • Can be used in various ways, revolving around the notion of getting jacked at your nearest closet-homosexual gym. Used by meatheads, ex-roid users, or those who suckle the teet of Whey and Protein daily.

    Gains meaning & definition 5 of Gains.

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