• There are two in-use definitions of the word atheist:
    1.) A person who lacks belief in a [god] or gods. People who use this definition categorize atheists as either negative (or implicit or weak) atheists or positive (or explicit or strong) atheists. Negative atheists, while they dont believe in a god, do not positively assert that no gods exist. Positive atheists, however, do.
    2.) A person who believes that no god or gods exist.
    Those who consider themselves atheists (who are usually positive atheists) tend to define atheist using the former definition, and those who believe in a god or gods tend to define atheist using the latter. In both cases, this seems to be a demagogic practice intended to classify either as many or as few people as atheists as possible. Negative atheists are usually referred to as [agnostic]s.
    While neither definition of atheism entails any personality traits of atheists or of those who do believe in a god or gods (sometimes referred to as [theist]s), both atheists and theists tend to believe that certain traits apply to all atheists/theists. Common myths about atheists include: all atheists are arrogant, immoral, rebellious, and/or intolerant; all atheists really believe in (the Christian) God and are simply in denial; all atheists are depressed and believe life is meaningless. Common myths about theists include: all theists are naive and/or intolerant; all theists dont really believe in their god(s) and just pretend to because theyre afraid that if people realised that no god exists, there will be complete chaos; all theists are weak and look to their god(s) for comfort. It hardly needs to be said that while these myths apply to a select few individuals in each group, the claim that they apply to every atheist or every theist is false.
    Negative atheists justify their lack of belief in god(s) by pointing out that no evidence exists for the existence of god(s), and justify their lack of disbelief by pointing out that no evidence exists for the nonexistence thereof. Positive atheists often assert that while no evidence for god(s) exists, it should be by default assumed that they do not, until evidence is found. Some also try to use [logic] to prove that God does not exist, but this is often attached by theists and weak atheists as being mere wordplay. Some theists and weak atheists also assert that logic is superficial and meaningless (which is an easily refutable claim), and that only ones inner feelings can lead them to truth. Some positive atheists (and [deist]s), however, are led to their stance through their feelings. Some feel that because the world is filled with evil and malice, and all-loving, benevolent god cannot exist. Those who are led to their stance through this feeling, however, cannot justify their disbelief in a malevolent god in the same way. Some reject the idea of the Christian God because the [Bible] states that non-Christians are condemned to [Hell], and reject the idea as being too disturbing. While the same argument can also be made against the gods of various other religions, including [Islam] and [Zoroastrianism], it cannot be made against every god (in Judaism, for example, Hell does not exist).

    Atheist meaning & definition 1 of Atheist.

  • A person who believes that there is no god. A person who rejects the validity of religion as a concept and generally has more faith in science and logic.

    Atheist meaning & definition 2 of Atheist.

  • One who believes in no god/divine creator/supreme deity. There are many different types of atheists:

    An atheist who attacks others because they have a religion.

    An atheist who accepts the fact that everyone has different beliefs. Describes me.

    An atheist who can be either one of the above, yet is also a selfish ass hole who celebrates Christmas just so he can get shit. Also describes me

    Atheist meaning & definition 3 of Atheist.

  • Lets end the stereotypes about atheists now.
    Im an atheist. Does this mean I love science? Not necessarily. I simply did not feel anything whatsoever going to church when I was little, and therefore, stopped believing. It was when I got older that the Is realigion really plausible? thoughts popped into my head.
    Does it mean that I have faith in the government? Au contraire--I think the government and politicians and all that junk are mostly corrupt and stupid.
    Do I hate other people for believing in God? Nope. In fact, I love diversity. The world would be boring as hell if we were all atheists.
    Have I ever gone out of my way to convince a theist that what I believe is right? Thats wrong too. I cant tell you for sure whether Im right or wrong--its not like a have proof or anything--so I dont bother with arguing over it. Unfortunately, a lot of theists dont pay me the same respect.
    Am I evil? A theist may think so, but I dont. I love giving to charities, I participate in my schools choir, I love my family, and I dont smoke, drink excessively, or take sex lightly, Ive never betrayed anyone, I get good grades, and Im really nice to others.
    I also have faith--not in a God, but in myself and those around me. I believe in living my life as happily as I can, since it is the only life I think I have to live. I dont constantly look to God to pull me through tough times; I pull myself through and make myself stronger.

    Atheist meaning & definition 4 of Atheist.

  • An atheist is a person who does not believe in any sort of deity. Though this does not neccessarily precipitate smugness, it can often lead to it. Atheists however are impossible to stereotype just as any person of any other faith is impossible to stereotype due to the wide nature of this group.

    Atheist meaning & definition 5 of Atheist.

  • One who disbelieves or denies the existence of a God, or
    supreme intelligent Being.

    Atheist meaning & definition 6 of Atheist.

  • someone [believing] in [no religion] and or [afterlife].

    Atheist meaning & definition 7 of Atheist.

  • [Someone] who does not [believe] in a [deity].

    Atheist meaning & definition 8 of Atheist.

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