Brocked is a slang term, reportedly originating from the Royal New Zealand Airforce, that refers to the act of another aircrew member secretly and sneakily taking away ones allocated flying time or duty.
kilogram of cocaine or crack
Ki meaning & definition 1 of Ki.
The alleged spiritual energy within all human beings. According to a certain group of Japanese artists, channelling your Ki will allow you to perform normally impossible tasks, such as shooting a Kamehameha wave from your hands.
Note: It is the exact same thing as [Chi].Ki meaning & definition 2 of Ki.
The supposed energy in Dragonball Z. Gained by yelling like a retard until you get bored, pass out, or just get tired of yelling.
Ki meaning & definition 3 of Ki.
Ethylphenidate, a drug very very closely related to the pharmaceutical Ritalin (methylphenidate). Amphetamine-like effects, but warmer and more MDMA-like. Legal and available off the internet.
Ki meaning & definition 4 of Ki.
Yes ki , meaning Kai but without the a .. She is the perfect girlfriend.. She has the right curves , makes you feel special and you have even popped a bonor just thinking about her. !!!
Ki meaning & definition 5 of Ki.
Ki is a nickname for Kiley. Kiley as in the RIGHT way of spelling the name Kylie (sounding like Kah-I-Leigh). A person called Ki is cute, sweet, and all around an awesome person.
Ki meaning & definition 6 of Ki.
The sound an individual of Sri Lankan origin emits when poked. In particular social settings that are understood only by select scholars of Sri Lankan linguistics and culture, the individual may emit, [Smi] as a substitute. Know that [Smi] is both the antonym of; and only polite response to, [ki].
Ki meaning & definition 7 of Ki.
The internal power of a warrior. Is the fighting level of each human being.
Ki meaning & definition 8 of Ki.
In Wolof (A major language in West Africa) ki, pronounced kai (like eye with a k sound preceding it), means come as in come here.
Ki meaning & definition 9 of Ki.