• often confused with love, it is purely physical attraction and has no lasting effect

    Lust meaning & definition 1 of Lust.

  • A large physical attraction for an individual, that is sometimes uncontrollable and completely unreasonable.

    Often confused with love.

    Lust is not love if you dont wish to anything other than have sex with someone.

    Lust meaning & definition 2 of Lust.

    1. Excessive obsession over something.
    2. Being sexually attracted to one another. Often mistaken for [love].

    Lust meaning & definition 3 of Lust.

  • The feeling of wanting someone up against your skin and lips so badly that it makes you hurt inside.

    The feeling between the two of you is so magnetic and strong that you cant contain it.

    Its not just sex. Its the want and the need to be physically close to someone that you feel so passionately about its unreal.

    Lust meaning & definition 4 of Lust.

  • a physical attraction to soe one or something
    often mistaken for love

    Lust meaning & definition 5 of Lust.

  • A human craving which makes you attracted to another person which usually leads to mad wild sex

    Lust meaning & definition 6 of Lust.

  • Its the emotion that makes you want to screw people.

    Lust meaning & definition 7 of Lust.

  • To be sexually attractive and to initate sexual intercourse with another person regardless of sex. Often confused with another emotion love, lust is the urge to fuck someone.

    Lust meaning & definition 8 of Lust.

  • The antithesis of love--love gives (unconditionally) while lust takes. Dont ever confuse the two.

    Lust meaning & definition 9 of Lust.

  • You [think you] [love someone] but you only want them [sexually]

    Lust meaning & definition 10 of Lust.

  • its when you want to touch them so bad. but you dont because you dont know what they want. its when your with them, your dying for their touch, their lips their hands on your body. its when they touch you and even though you know its wrong you cant stop. its this feeling in your [gut that] makes you do [wild things]. and this [unending] thought in your head when your with them.

    its confused with the word love. but people got it all wrong, its not love, its what comes with love, its in the package.

    Lust meaning & definition 11 of Lust.

  • Not considered love [all you] [wish] is to have sex with someone your [attracted] to

    Lust meaning & definition 12 of Lust.

  • Strong sexual desire.

    Lust meaning & definition 13 of Lust.

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