• A man who lets his wife or girlfriend have sex with other men. Often the man lets her do whatever she wants and treat him like shit.
    (Short version of cuckold)

    Cuck meaning & definition 11 of Cuck.

  • Short for cuckold

    A person (usually a man) who lets others (usually women) [metaphor]ically walk all over them in the name of being a better person, or as a fetish.

    Cuck meaning & definition 12 of Cuck.

  • Noun
    An originally only slightly funny slang term that is now used predominantly by radical American conservative airheads in attempts to gain what they perceive to be internet, or sometimes even real life, prestige, usually by discrediting the person to whom it is directed by implying theyre weak. Derived from Cuckold.

    Cuck meaning & definition 13 of Cuck.

  • To pleasure and enjoy yourself while watching your girlfriend is getting fucked by other men.

    Cuck meaning & definition 14 of Cuck.

  • a person who is acting like an idiot while using their opinions as fact.

    Cuck meaning & definition 15 of Cuck.

  • Noun: Unhappy Third. Individual in a triad. Person (A) who is ostensibly related to another person (B) who is engaging with another (C) in an intimate, sexual or profitable manner. Particularly applicable to circumstance in which (C) occupies the role more frequently occupied by (A). Can also apply to animal kingdom, where it was observed in reproductive mating patterns of cuckoo bird. Variously refers to value judgments ranging from approval and enjoyment by (A) to use as a term of derision.

    Since roughly 2015 began being seen as a derisive term by which farther-right users distinguished themselves from more centrist conservatives, hence also cuckservative. When used in this manner or more generally as a derogatory, implies a racist and heterocentric viewpoint, suggestive that moderate politics are equivalent to enjoyment of inter-racial wife-swapping.

    Verb: To conduct activities which make of (A) a cuck.

    Cuck meaning & definition 16 of Cuck.

  • Originally a term to describe a man who loves watching his wife fuck other another man, or multiple men at the same time, while he just watches and masturbates. [Nowadays] its basically a term for a pussy who lets women [walk all over] him..aka a [DOORMAT]

    Cuck meaning & definition 17 of Cuck.

  • Letting your girlfriend [cheat on] you and [getting back together] with them [claiming] theyre different this time.

    Cuck meaning & definition 18 of Cuck.

  • Instantly killing a [downed] player in a [battle royale] game after [knocking] them. A person does this so that player can no longer be revived by their teammates. A person that does this is a cunt.

    This term is most often used in Fortnite by raging little kids.

    Cuck meaning & definition 19 of Cuck.

  • Cuck is a weak, unprincipled man who compromises his beliefs in order to please women. More often than not they are so deep into the game that they actually change their beliefs in [favor] of women. It is derived from the word [Cuckold], who enjoys watching his wife [getting screwed] by other men in Shakespears writing

    Cuck meaning & definition 20 of Cuck.

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