scandalous or doing something lame
Sus meaning & definition 1 of Sus.
The word Sus is meant to suggest that somone is believed to be [Shady] or false. They are hiding something or are believed to have a serious character flaw which makes them undesirible as a friend or acqaintence. It is derived from its root word [Suspect]. In some areas it is primarily used to describe a nigga that is [Bitch-made] or one who is not feminine but suspected of homosexuality or other sexual deviances. Most commonly used to denote suspected homosexual tendencies.
Sus meaning & definition 2 of Sus.
Short for suspect or suspicious.
Sus meaning & definition 3 of Sus.
Shady, secret, mysterious, suspect
Sus meaning & definition 4 of Sus.
A funny word used in Youtube Poops.
Sus meaning & definition 5 of Sus.
Ben Brown
Sus meaning & definition 6 of Sus.
usually meaning suspect, acting in a nervous, acting different, out of place.
Sus meaning & definition 7 of Sus.
the act of being suspect or in question. doing something that is widely ill-advised and/or straight stupid. a sus person can be any one of the following - gay, a snitch, a trick, annoying, weird, retarted, stinky, thirsty, the [feds], associated with the [illuminati], fat, short, old looking but actually young, a social loser, a tag along, a friend that you are ashamed of, a mexican, pretty much anything that has a derogatory meaning to it can be put under the sus category.
Sus meaning & definition 8 of Sus.
losing your virginity in a tag team involving a short mexican and a horny teenager. often while tipsy off of expensive wines.
Sus meaning & definition 9 of Sus.