• Possibly deriving from cloths or clothes, clouts refer to a womans pants, knickers or undergarments, particularly the baggy Bridget Jones type.

    Clouts meaning & definition 1 of Clouts.

  • Defines your own personal thoughts that you can try to explain but no one will ever understand.

    Clouts meaning & definition 2 of Clouts.

  • This is quite old slang but still used occasionally in the South-West of England. It derives from cloths or clothes and refers to a woman’s knickers, drawers or panties. It is quite disparaging and is used to described undergarments of the baggy [Bridget Jones] type or things so foul, [tattered] and disgusting that they should be classified as a [health hazard]

    Clouts meaning & definition 3 of Clouts.

  • to hit someone or something with the hand or with a heavy object:

    Clouts meaning & definition 4 of Clouts.

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