1. A very funny sitcom on NBC that has no laugh track (nor needs one).

    2. Clothing worn by hospital staff in the workplace. Its easier to clean blood or vomit stains out of scrubs than out of a suit shirt and theyre a lot cheaper to replace.

    3. In sports, players who arent talented enough to be in the starting lineup and spend most of their time on the bench.

    4. According to the TLC song, somebody without a job or car or his own place, i.e. the kind of guy who T-Boz, Left Eye and Chilli were all too stuck up to consider dating or hanging out with. A scrub was a guy who couldnt get no love from them even if he was a nice guy; since he had no material possessions they wanted nothing to do with him. This was probably just as well, since if the scrub in question did have a house of his own and impressed Lisa (RIP) enough to date her, it would only be a matter of time before she set it on fire.

    Scrubs meaning & definition 1 of Scrubs.

  • Wormwood Scrubs, locally known as The Scrubs, is a 200 acre open space located in West London and it has an unenviable record in terms of crimes committed there.

    Scrubs meaning & definition 2 of Scrubs.

  • Seriously the funniest show television. Its about a guy JD and his best friends Turk, Elliot and Carla, who all work in a hostpital, with many other wondefully biazarre characters.

    Scrubs meaning & definition 3 of Scrubs.

  • TV show that made it my goal in life to become a doctor with a quirky, black, surgeon friend named Turk.

    Scrubs meaning & definition 4 of Scrubs.

  • great show on nbc.has best charecter janitor

    Scrubs meaning & definition 5 of Scrubs.

  • noun: That which is worn by nurses, med students and those in the medical profession both on and off the job, because they are comfortable, and because no one thinks twice about scrubs with [zebra stripes] and [polka dots]. Often seen at restaurants [herding] together between shifts.

    Scrubs meaning & definition 6 of Scrubs.

  • People who do necessary work but do not get paid very well for it: garbage collectors, hospital [aides], housecleaners, retail cashiers, etc. Those who were raised in the comfort of [middle-class] suburbia are the biggest fans of [pseudo-]street hip-hop messages that confirm their already held feelings of superiority to those who are forced by social conditions to live the authentic real inner-city urban lifestyle, the real street. Instead of focusing on economic and social conditions, this song allows the middle-class to feel morally and ultimately superior to the lower classes.

    Scrubs meaning & definition 7 of Scrubs.

  • noun updated [millenium] definition: guys who are not ambitious. They may have a job and a car but they are content with not climbing [the corporate]/career [ladder]. They are usually do not care about their physique/appearance/clothing. Basically, men who do not like to take care of themselves.

    Scrubs meaning & definition 8 of Scrubs.

  • Articles of clothing that are typically worn in the morning or before sleeping, or at any [time of the day] if you are either sick, working out, or feeling lazy.
    Includes: Sweats, [Pajamas], undershirts, huge shirts with a picture of [Mickey Mouse] on them, cheerleading shorts, hoodies, etc.

    Scrubs meaning & definition 9 of Scrubs.

  • A scrub is a guy that cant [get no love] from me. And is also known as [a buster]. Always talkin about what he wants and just sits on his broke ass.A scrub is a guy that cant get no love from me Hanging out the passenger side
    Of his best friends ride Trying to [holler at] me

    Scrubs meaning & definition 10 of Scrubs.

  • to rub something hard in order to clean it, especially using a stiff brush, soap, and water:

    Scrubs meaning & definition 11 of Scrubs.

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