Brocked is a slang term, reportedly originating from the Royal New Zealand Airforce, that refers to the act of another aircrew member secretly and sneakily taking away ones allocated flying time or duty.
French word used in fencing. Commonly used today to recognize the other sides good argument or comeback.
Roughly translates to Oh shit, I didnt think of that
Touché meaning & definition 1 of Touché.
If one person presents an argument and another delivers a clever or appropriate response, the first person may respond with touché as a way of acknowledging a good response.
Touché meaning & definition 2 of Touché.
A word derived from French that is used most-commonly when someone makes a particularly good point in an arguement and leaves the opponent (the touché sayer) speechless or at a loss for words.
Touché meaning & definition 3 of Touché.
A word you say when in an argument the other person makes a good point that you cant top.
Touché meaning & definition 4 of Touché.
When u say something to someone and they have no reply back for it.
Touché meaning & definition 5 of Touché.
A fancy word used by people who think they know something. It means a good comeback or a.k.a. burn!
Touché meaning & definition 6 of Touché.
used to admit that someone has made a good point against you in an argument or discussion:
Touché meaning & definition 7 of Touché.