Brocked is a slang term, reportedly originating from the Royal New Zealand Airforce, that refers to the act of another aircrew member secretly and sneakily taking away ones allocated flying time or duty.
mf has 2 meanings, often used as:
(i) Mother Fucker
(ii) My Frienddefinition (i) is more commonly seen in chatrooms; whereas definition (ii) seen in multiplayer games.
if someone uses mf towards you, its best to pretend you dont understand, so they will explain - either (i) or (ii). Since you dont want to just start insulting them.
Mf meaning & definition 1 of Mf.
Mf meaning & definition 2 of Mf.
In the PC game Diablo2, mf stands for magic find. Magic find is when you go to monsters with good drops and keep killing them in hopes that they will drop a good item
Mf meaning & definition 3 of Mf.
Stands for one of the following forms of motherfucker: motherfucker, [motherfucking], [motherfuck]. The form that is used [depends] on the context of the situation.
Mf meaning & definition 4 of Mf.
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