• A greek name which means What god beholds
    Actual meaning: Very impish, pretty, complex, deadly.

    Jessica meaning & definition 1 of Jessica.

  • An extremely common female name.

    Jessica meaning & definition 2 of Jessica.

  • Jessica is the sweetest girl you will ever meet basically. She is known to be the sexiest person who walked the planet. Boys get nervous when around her and a lot of boys have a crush on her. Jessica is aspired to by others. She will show you a good time and also has a crazy/wild side to her. When you meet a Jessica, you will have a hard time forgetting her! She falls in love easily and loves to laugh. But she has a down side to her, like every girl, she has great shyness. When she falls in love, she falls deep. Boys love her! Jessica in a term means goddess. She has incredible looks. When you find a Jessica, dont let her go! Shes beautiful, talented and has an amazing body. Guys like to often flirt with her but she doesnt take that to heart. She isnt perfect, but then again, who is? Shes very active and likes to do things. Jessica likes to dress nice and when gets complimented, denies all of it. Shes very artistic and is a great dancer. Boys are lucky to have her! Shes also very supportive and a great friend! She speaks her mind and doesnt care what people think! She has great eyes and hair. Jessica is very loyal and open, her family value her a lot. She is loved by lots of people and even people whom she might not know about! She is an all round amazing person who everyone is grateful to have in their lives.

    Jessica meaning & definition 3 of Jessica.

  • a wonderfull name that means gracious gift from God

    Jessica meaning & definition 4 of Jessica.

  • The absolute most [perfect] person on the planet. No arguments. Everything about this girl is so [amazing] that she is sometimes thought to be an [angel] or [goddess]. She is the most beautiful girl to live on this planet. She will deny that, but it is a true fact and everybody knows it. She is the [kindest], [most caring] person ever who will do anything to make you feel [specia]l. And she has the [cutest] laugh, smile, face, and pretty much anything else you can think of.

    Jessica meaning & definition 5 of Jessica.

  • a woman i know who is incredibly sexy and i love her so much. she is the most amazing person alive and if you dont think so you deserve to die. amazingly there are some people who actually dont like her. but thats just because theyre jealous and theyre all asses anyway so no one cares about them. jessica deserves everything in the world and id do anything for her. ill never leave her side and ill always be her best friend.

    Jessica meaning & definition 6 of Jessica.

  • a Very pretty girl with a kind fun loving heart, a beautiful face, and a body that can melt glass! She breaks hearts daily and would be an awesome catch... married guys want her and single guys are scared of her

    Jessica meaning & definition 7 of Jessica.

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