• A socially acceptable reference to the acronym bf, also known as buddy fuck; referring to an action that leads to fucking over your buddy. Common in military parlance. See also [word]bf[/word]

    Blue falcon meaning & definition 1 of Blue falcon.

  • Term originating from the military meaning a buddy fucker. Someone who is a fuckoff and drags their buddies into shit with them.

    Blue falcon meaning & definition 2 of Blue falcon.

  • Generally a military term, used to describe that guy who always gets everyone into trouble. The meaning of the term is Buddy Fucker.

    Blue falcon meaning & definition 3 of Blue falcon.

  • Military codename for a Buddy Fucker, or one who screws his or her buddies over.

    1a. A person who weasels his or her way out of his duty, having his buddies pick up the slack for him.
    1b. Someone who lets his or her buddies do all the work, while he or she sits on his ass.
    1c. PVT. Timothy Patterson, and PV2. Carl McCall Jr.

    Blue falcon meaning & definition 4 of Blue falcon.

  • A buddy fucker. One that screws over his fellow battle buddies for his own gain in life. A blue falcon is commonly known as the guy no one likes, the bird of prey, or the platoon bitch.

    Blue falcon meaning & definition 5 of Blue falcon.

  • In the U.S. Army, someone that does not support the team or unit is said to not support their buddies. Because of this, they are called Buddy Fuckers, because they let down their buddies. Since such things are not considered polite in mixed company, people in the Army endeavored to come up with a similar two letter name to represent the term. Blue Falcon was a cartoon character from the Dynomutt cartoon series during the mid-1970s, a time when many of the people originating the term grew up. So, calling someone a Blue Falcon came to be a substitution to calling them a Buddy Fucker.

    Blue falcon meaning & definition 6 of Blue falcon.

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