• An extremely animated and/or self-narrated punch that resembles that dealt by [Captain Falcon] (of [SNES] game F-Zero) in the [Nintendo] video game [Super Smash Brothers]. Usually accompanied by the screaming of the phrase Falcon Punch!

    Falcon punch meaning & definition 1 of Falcon punch.

  • The cause of, and solution to all of lifes problems.

    Falcon punch meaning & definition 2 of Falcon punch.

  • The act of intentionally punching a pregnant female in the stomach, so as to cause miscarriage. Shouting the phrase Falcon PUNCH! is optional.

    Falcon punch meaning & definition 3 of Falcon punch.

  • (Fal-cone Pawnch)
    Verb: Shouting Falcon Punch! when you punch some one.
    Noun: A massively powerful and destructive punch made famous by [Captain Falcon], the main character from the F-zero game and anime series; characterized by a giant flaming falcon surrounding Captain Falcons fist when he uses it. The falcon punch is so powerful that if 2 falcon punches collided, the universe would divide by 0 and implode upon itself.

    Falcon punch meaning & definition 4 of Falcon punch.

  • An alternative, yet unconstitutional, form of birth control. This procedure is usually pulled of by rednecks. Falcon Punch is where an individual punch with an intensive amount of force to cause a tragic miscarriage. Falcon Punch is the number one causes of miscarriage, unfortunately. Falcon Punch can be used to punch a fist up a womens uterus and cause a high level damage; it is most affective when the person on offense yells Falcon Punch! No one, besides [Chuck Norris], can achieve Falcon Punch without shouting the attack name. By yelling the attack name at infinite decibel, your fist will shoot up on fire thus causing a much higher severe level of damage. Favorably,Falcon Punch is avoidable. When you hear someone scream FALCON, it is not too late to escape the punchline. This attack was champion by [Captain Falcon](from the Super Smash Bros game).

    Falcon punch meaning & definition 5 of Falcon punch.

  • A punch so powerful and so mysterious, it holds the capability of breaking through the fabrics of time. There are many complicated theories, but in short, there is no past, nor no future. There is only one tense;The Falcon Punch is the only thing to ever truly exist. All you see is but an illusion. Think of a pond- when you throw a stone into a pond, ripples stream out from it. Due to Captain Falcon Falcon Punching Black Shadow, he destroyed time itself, and that simply repeats itself. It is said if you repeat the words SHIEN SHIEN SHIEN, SHIEENNN-ZUUU in a deep bass voice, you will wake up to a Falcon Punch. You will then be taken to the Heavens, led of course, by Captain Falcon.
    A narrated punch, can generally be used in mid-air. Causes friends/little brothers to cry when spammed repeatedly, along with other cheap moves.

    Falcon punch meaning & definition 6 of Falcon punch.

  • The cure to teen pregnancy.

    Falcon punch meaning & definition 7 of Falcon punch.

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