• A positive public acknowledgement of a friend.

    Shoutout meaning & definition 1 of Shoutout.

  • A witty or funny message to someone or something published weekly in the Badger Herald at UW-Madison on Wednesdays.

    Shoutout meaning & definition 2 of Shoutout.

  • ShoutOUT is the customer messaging platform for businesses to reach their customers via the preferred channel - SMS, Email, WhatsApp A software product by ShoutOUT Labs

    Shoutout meaning & definition 3 of Shoutout.

  • (especially in hip-hop or dance music) a mention, credit, or greeting, typically one made over the radio or during a live performance.

    Shoutout meaning & definition 4 of Shoutout.

  • Its like an [add] but not for [things] but [for the people]

    Shoutout meaning & definition 5 of Shoutout.

  • A thing that [youtubers] give to people who wanted it badly.

    Mostly, [its a thing] where youtubers like to lie. Even though, all they saying is to [Put that] in the comments below and Ill find somebody to give a shoutout!

    Shoutout meaning & definition 6 of Shoutout.

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