• To be really taken or pleased by someone.

    Smitten meaning & definition 1 of Smitten.

  • the feeling of total happiness around someone you are falling in love with or, someone you are already in love with.

    Smitten meaning & definition 2 of Smitten.

  • adjective: describes the feeling one receives whenever they think about or are with someone who makes them ridiculously happy. The experience of satisfaction with someone youre falling in love with. Often usued in the same sentence with the word kitten.

    Smitten meaning & definition 3 of Smitten.

  • More than like, but not quite love yet, its that feeling in between the two. That feeling of butterflies in your tummy. Its that feeling that makes you smile whenever you think about that special person.

    Smitten meaning & definition 4 of Smitten.

  • When you think someone is totally amazing and you have a fabulous time with him/her no matter what you are doing together, and that he/she is perfect even with his/her faults because you are so comfortable being around him/her.

    Smitten meaning & definition 5 of Smitten.

  • to be falling in love with someboby;or already being in love with someone

    Smitten meaning & definition 6 of Smitten.

  • Uncontrollable happiness when thinking about or in the presence of a special person. Multiple peck kisses and constant smiling are other symptoms.

    Smitten meaning & definition 7 of Smitten.

  • /ˈsmitn/

    Affected by something overwhelming; conscience-smitten; awe-struck

    Being loving, amatory, amorous, or fond; in love

    Marked by foolish or unreasoning fondness

    Made irrationally enthusiastic

    Smitten meaning & definition 8 of Smitten.

  • Pure, uncontrollable, excitingly overwhelming, romantic thoughts/feelings towards a certain someone; brought forth and felt through the heart. Usually [the more you know] about someone the easier it is [to find yourself] [smitten] over them. Its more than a liking crush but less than love. Its like dipping a toe into a pool of what it is like to fall for someone; a scary process because of the vulnerability it brings about, but after all thats why its called falling and not rising.

    Smitten meaning & definition 9 of Smitten.

  • to be complete taken with someone, seeing them makes you smile. And when you hear their text message [alert] or their [ringtone] your heart [flutters] a little bit.

    Smitten meaning & definition 10 of Smitten.

  • having suddenly started to like or love something or someone very much:

    Smitten meaning & definition 11 of Smitten.

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