• An enjoyable disorder characterized by feelings of excitement, anticipation, high hopes, recent memories of interludes, giddiness, and physical overstimulation which occur simultaneously when experiencing a new love. These feelings take over without warning, usually at odd times (such as at a check-out line), with or without the partner present, and make it difficult to concentrate on anything but romance. They interfere with work and safe driving, but should be experienced at least once in every persons lifetime.

    Twitterpated meaning & definition 2 of Twitterpated.

  • Yes. Nearly everybody gets twitterpated in the springtime. For example: Youre walking along, minding your own business. Youre looking neither to the left, nor to the right, when all of a sudden you run smack into a pretty face. Woo-woo! You begin to get weak in the knees. Your heads in a whirl. And then you feel light as a feather, and before you know it, youre walking on air. And then you know what? Youre knocked for a loop, and you completely lose your head!

    Twitterpated meaning & definition 3 of Twitterpated.

  • The electrified feeling one gets when the woman of their dreams (or man) has finally become real and has stepped into their life from said dreams. Also the overwhelming sensation of feeling completeness and joyful bliss beyond all other emotions, similiar to smitten.

    Twitterpated meaning & definition 4 of Twitterpated.

  • the way you feel when you really like someone but you just dont know how to explain how you feel.

    Twitterpated meaning & definition 5 of Twitterpated.

  • Complete and immediate infatuation with someone or something that occurs in the onset of Spring; giddy excitement rooted in the physical.

    Twitterpated meaning & definition 6 of Twitterpated.

  • Becoming constipated after using Twitter for long durations of time, or too often.

    Twitterpated meaning & definition 7 of Twitterpated.

  • In a relationship, being totally into one another - to the point of being goofy. Especially a new relationship. [infatuated, besotted, lovesick]
    [source: Rebecca L. of Montana]

    Twitterpated meaning & definition 8 of Twitterpated.

  • Infatuated or obsessed.

    Twitterpated meaning & definition 9 of Twitterpated.

  • Twitterpated means to be swept off your feet by someone you quite fancy.
    It’s a very strong feeling of love and attraction.
    From the 1942 film, Bambi:
    Friend Owl : “Yes. Nearly everybody gets Twitterpated in the springtime.
    For example: You’re walking along, minding your own business. Youre looking neither to the left, nor to the right...When all of a sudden, you run smack into a pretty face!
    You begin to [get weak] in the knees.
    Your head’s in a [whirl]!
    And then you feel light as a feather, and before you know it...you’re [walking on air].
    And then, you know what?
    You’re knocked for a loop!
    And you completely [lose your head]!”
    Thumper: “Gosh, that’s awful.”
    Flower: “Gee Whiz!”
    Bambi: “Terrible!”
    Friend Owl: “And that ain’t all. It can happen to anybody. So you’d bet-ter be careful.
    It could happen to You! And You!
    And.....Yes. It could even happen to YOU!”

    Twitterpated meaning & definition 10 of Twitterpated.

  • To be absolutely in love with one another. Over the stars and skies, world series [kinda thing] ( universe ) Butterflies and non stop smiling. [JLS] [BDK]

    Twitterpated meaning & definition 11 of Twitterpated.

  • Also known as a [TC] or [Twitter Crush]

    When one develops a crush on a fellow user of the social media [platform] Twitter.

    Twitterpated meaning & definition 12 of Twitterpated.

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