• Overly excited in a sexual manner. See also [horny].

    Randy meaning & definition 1 of Randy.

  • Always finds a way to make you laugh, has a good personality, knows how to a good time, really random, prefectionist would do anything to put a smile on your face, gives wonderful kisses, loved by many and hated by others. A type of guy a girl wishes she had.
    Let it be known... I love Randy always and forever

    Randy meaning & definition 2 of Randy.

  • The most amazing person youll ever meet. A modern renaissance man. Hes good at everything. EVERYTHING!!!!!

    Synonym: Wow!!!

    Randy meaning & definition 3 of Randy.

  • A feeling of sexual excitement.

    An old term meaning Chimney, coined by Old Chimney Sweeps.

    Randy meaning & definition 4 of Randy.

  • adjective:

    1. Sexually aroused, turned on, or excited
    2. strong desire for sex
    3. stronger than the word horney

    Randy meaning & definition 5 of Randy.

  • a really sweet boy who always seems to amaze people with his kindness. he knows the right things to say and always at the perfect time. when he walks into a room he puts a smile on everyones face. he can be kinda dorky sometimes, but it makes him even more cute. you will never find anyone... ANYONE like him. and yeaa, he is kinda horny

    Randy meaning & definition 6 of Randy.

  • Randy is a very sweet guy who stays true and faithful in a relationship. Youre lucky if you ever meet a Randy because they are the best kinds of guys out there. Theyre the type of boyfriends who piss you off but then wont leave you alone until they make you smile. He has a true heart and is always there for you. All of the girls that know him, like him but he only has one girl in mind. He is very cute and always has a special smell to him. If you ever meet a Randy, you will never forget him.

    Randy meaning & definition 7 of Randy.

  • english word for horny

    Randy meaning & definition 8 of Randy.

  • Hes the type of guy who will put a smile on your face. He knows when something is wrong and tries to fix it with a hug and wipe away the tears. He is the bestest friend you can ever have. He is my bestest friend

    Randy meaning & definition 9 of Randy.

  • prince
    the chosen one
    knight in shining armor that comes to save the day whenever trouble is near. A man of great status that always gets what he wants.

    Randy meaning & definition 10 of Randy.

  • Sexually aroused or excited.

    Randy meaning & definition 11 of Randy.

  • ran-dee
    A person, more often a male that is always tries his best to be there for you. He has a [good soul], can be very sarcastic, almost bully like characteristics, but funny nonetheless. He has cute eyes and long lashes for a male. He gives the best hugs, almost healing. A rare breed, [some may say]. A charming being, almost hypnotizing, probably so hypnotizing, you dont want to feel too attached. A person that you will always be happy to see even if its a glimpse. A [breath of fresh air]. So calm , so lovable in every meaning of the word.

    Randy meaning & definition 12 of Randy.

  • [Fancy], Or [Excited].

    Randy meaning & definition 13 of Randy.

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