• See Call, Put, Spread, etc. Breach of privilege. See underBreach.-- Question of privilege (Parliamentary practice), a question whichconcerns the security of a member of a legislative body in hisspecial privileges as such.-- Water privilege, the advantage of having machinery driven by astream, or a place affording such advantage. [ U. S.] -- Writ ofprivilege (Law), a writ to deliver a privileged person from custodywhen arrested in a civil suit. Blackstone.

    Privilege meaning & definition 1 of Privilege.

  • A word used by some people to [relay] that they are [telepathic] and know what the other persons circumstances are, [and what] they were thinking when they said or did something.

    Privilege meaning & definition 2 of Privilege.

  • The belief that members of particular groups, sexualities, genders, sexes, races, etc. are afforded advantages in society for being a member of said group.
    The term was popularized by the [regressive left] and is generally used as an [easy button] to shut down discussions/arguments and blame others for ones own shortcomings. Achievements earned by others through hard work are dismissed as just further evidence of their privilege.
    By accepting this philosophy, believers in this religion create a world where all their failures are the fault of someone else, and all the successes of others are because they possessed some inherit [unfair advantage].

    Privilege meaning & definition 3 of Privilege.

  • [A type] of [Hennessey], [cognac].

    Privilege meaning & definition 4 of Privilege.

  • A special right given to someone or a group of people, which is [not available] to others. [Advantage], [Benefit]

    Privilege meaning & definition 5 of Privilege.

  • [The sweet] [end of] the inequality [stick].

    Privilege meaning & definition 6 of Privilege.

  • [Collective] [Noun]: A group of [Caucasian people] (3 or more).

    Privilege meaning & definition 7 of Privilege.

  • a word often used to describe a [fellow] [named] [frankie]

    Privilege meaning & definition 8 of Privilege.

  • A [privilege] is [some random] crap that your parents will give you call your ass when you ask for some more [responsibility].

    Privilege meaning & definition 9 of Privilege.

  • A [group of Karens] traveling together. Similar to [a pride] of [lions], except the lions want to speak to the manager.

    Privilege meaning & definition 10 of Privilege.

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