1. recieved a good or service as a favor
    2. to make out with someone
    3. to have sex with someone

    Hook up meaning & definition 1 of Hook up.

  • verb: to engage in any type of sexual activity.
    noun: 1. purposely ambiguous, equivocal word to describe almost any sexual action. usually used to exaggerate or minimize what exactly happened. a hook-up can range from a make-out session to full out sex.
    2. person you hook up with

    Hook up meaning & definition 2 of Hook up.

  • to hook up is to do anything from make-out to have sex, with someone you are not in a relationship with

    Hook up meaning & definition 3 of Hook up.

  • I have absolutely no idea anymore.

    Hook up meaning & definition 4 of Hook up.

  • to get together with someone with the intention of dating or having sexual relations with them.

    to meet up with someone to hang out.

    to hook someone up means to provide that person with some kind of item or service, often of an illegal nature.

    Hook up meaning & definition 5 of Hook up.

    1. In middle school: holding hands and hugging
    2. In high school: making out, fondling, handjobs and blowjobs
    3. In college: drunken one night stands
    4. Beyond college: wild sex

    Hook up meaning & definition 6 of Hook up.

  • There are so many different definitions to this phrase...

    To go out with; date

    To make out with, without dating the person; not considered cheating

    To make out with, without dating the person; considered cheating

    To have sex with

    To recieve a great favor/deed done for you

    To go out with a person (on an outing, not considered dating)

    Hook up meaning & definition 7 of Hook up.

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