• An arrogant upper/upper-middle class lady or gent, typically a student in an otherwise charming Scottish town or city.
    Girls = flowing blonde hair, pink pashmina, ironically kitsch little bag, astounding ignorance, charming high-pitched giggle.
    Guys = floppy birds nest-esque hair, woollen jumpers, suspiciously tanned, exceptionally loud and annoying voice which will usually be spouting some kind of patronising ex-public-schoolboy wit.
    Possibly originating from their judicious use of yah, darling, yah in general conversation.

    Yah meaning & definition 1 of Yah.

  • Expression of agreement, but with great apathy and obvious lack of interest. Most effective when used in an IM conversation after someone has typed five whole consecutive paragraphs.

    Yah meaning & definition 2 of Yah.

  • sloaney types found often, but not exclusively at the follwing universities - Bristol, Durham, Exeter, Edinburgh

    Yah meaning & definition 3 of Yah.

  • In Korea, this is an expression/outburst used when someone has been embarrassed, offended or annoyed.

    Or, used to object something.

    Yah meaning & definition 4 of Yah.

  • Yah, short form of the name of the Creator, [Yahweh] (Yah Weh?) as found in the [Hebrew] Bible. Seen as -jah or -iah at the end of many Biblical and/or Hebrew names.

    Yah meaning & definition 5 of Yah.

  • Short form of the Hebrew name for deity: Yahweh.

    Yah meaning & definition 6 of Yah.

  • use to express agreement on the deepest level.

    Yah meaning & definition 7 of Yah.

    1. YAH - a sound used to express great joy, displeasure or anger or
      to be in total agreement with a statement or situation.

    2. YAH - is a sound expressed when you have accomplished a great feat or successful at overcoming an obstacle.

    3. YAH - is a sound expressed in when you are in agreement with becoming extremely competitive or feeling of excitement and adrenaline rush.

    4. YAH - is a One Boy greeting and a call used to identify fellow members.

    Yah meaning & definition 8 of Yah.

  • word expressing an affirmative response used by the laziest people in the world, yes-

    Yah meaning & definition 9 of Yah.

  • I yah you, commonly used in the fenland area meaning I Love You!

    Yah meaning & definition 10 of Yah.

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