When a man or woman nuzzles the entrance of there anus into a freshly cooked cake then lifts and passes wind,some people get erotic pleasure from this.
Cakefarts meaning & definition 1 of Cakefarts.
A website featuring a Toronto-based woman, Leah Treacy, hunched over a cake and passing gas. It was produced by her then boyfriend, Wayne Schiff, who posted it on YouTube. Within minutes, traffic overwhelmed the site as hundreds of thousands of people were attempting to trick their friends into watching a woman breaking wind over a cake.
Cakefarts meaning & definition 2 of Cakefarts.
A fairly popular website that has already exceeded 2girls1cup in popularity and has also been talked about on quite a few radio stations
Cakefarts meaning & definition 3 of Cakefarts.
An activity a disgruntled waitress is most likely to engage in. Replaces more traditional forms of kitchen revenge such as spitting in the food or even pissing. Once became viral and popular, more female waitresses started performing it.
Cakefarts meaning & definition 4 of Cakefarts.