• Bottom is a British sitcom television series that originally aired on BBC2 between 1991 and 1995. It was written by and starring comic duo Adrian Edmondson and Rik Mayall as Richie and Eddie, two flatmates who live on the dole in Hammersmith, London. The program ran for three series, and was followed by five stage show tours across the United Kingdom between 1993 and 2003, and a feature film Guest House Paradiso. The show is noted for its chaotic, nihilistic humour and violent comedy slapstick.
    In 2008, Bottom came in at number 45 in a poll to determine Britains Best Sitcom by the BBC. The show continues to be shown in the UK on Gold and Dave, and has been dubbed in other languages. In Spain the show is known as La pareja basura which aired on Canal . The theme music was provided by The Bum Notes, a band that once featured Edmondson, and is a cover of Last Night by The Mar-Keys.
    Plans were made in 2012 for a BBC spin-off series, Hooligans Island, featuring the Richie and Eddie characters from Bottom. However, that project was cancelled that October prior to production as Edmondson explained that he wished to pursue other interests.

    Bottom meaning & definition 41 of Bottom.

  • bot′um, n. the lowest part of anything: that on which anything rests or is founded: the sitting part of the human body: the foot of a page, c.: low land, as in a valley: the keel of a ship, hence the vessel itself: the fundamental character of anything, as physical stamina, financial resources, c.: the portion of a wig hanging down over the shoulder, as in full-bottom—full-bottomed wig: (Shak.) a ball of thread.—v.t. to found or rest upon: (Shak.) to wind round or upon.—adj. Bott′omed.—ns. Bott′om-glade, a glade or open space in a bottom or valley; Bott′om-grass (Shak.) grass growing on bottom lands.—adj. Bott′omless.—n. Bott′omry, a contract by which money is borrowed on the security of a ship or bottom.—Bottomless pit—hell.—At bottom, in reality.—From the bottom of the heart, from the very heart.—To be at the bottom of, to be the real origin of; To stand on ones own bottom, to be independent of; To touch bottom, to reach the lowest point. [A.S. botm; Ger. boden; conn. with L. fundus, bottom, Gael. bonn, the sole.]

    Bottom meaning & definition 42 of Bottom.

  • a weaver in the interlude in Midsummer-Nights Dream, whom, with his asss head, Titania falls in love with under the influence of a love-potion.

    Bottom meaning & definition 43 of Bottom.

  • A name for rich low land formed by alluvial deposits: but in a
    general sense it denotes the lowest part of a thing, in
    contradistinction to the top or uppermost part. In navigation, it is
    used to denote as well the channel of rivers and harbours as the body or
    hull of a ship. Thus, in the former sense we say a gravelly bottom,
    clayey bottom, c., and in the latter sense a British bottom, a Dutch
    bottom, c. By statute, certain commodities imported in foreign bottoms
    pay a duty called petty customs, over and above what they are liable
    to if imported in British bottoms. Bottom of a ship or boat is that part
    which is below the wales.

    Bottom meaning & definition 44 of Bottom.

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