• A place formerly used to find out about slang, and now a place that teens with no life use as a burn book to whine about celebrities, their friends, etc., let out their sexual frustrations, show off their racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-(insert religion here) opinions, troll, and babble about things they know nothing about.

    Urban dictionary meaning & definition 1 of Urban dictionary.

  • A site where users attempt to mock and explain everyone and thing in life, under the guise of cynical quasi-intellectualism.
    It should be both noted and ignored, embraced and dismissed, laughed at and revered.

    Urban dictionary meaning & definition 2 of Urban dictionary.

  • An online slang dictionary in which approximately 80% of all words and definitions are sexually related.

    Urban dictionary meaning & definition 3 of Urban dictionary.

  • Only the coolest semi-fake dictionary ever made... updated by random ppl who usually have a sick mind and quick wit.

    Urban dictionary meaning & definition 4 of Urban dictionary.

  • A dictionary that, every time I read it, my faith in humanity declines a little.

    Urban dictionary meaning & definition 5 of Urban dictionary.

  • The result of millions of teenagers who have too much free time, and have been pre-disposed to the influences of a media run by arrogant megalomaniacs who put more thought into selling impracticle products than making relevent influential television. Thus resulting in the spread of ignorance through the internet comunity via rascism, conformity, mis-information, and the pinnacle of a society ironically corrupted by those who claim to be trying to save the last milligrams of purity and innoscense left in this nuclear prozac nation...
    if you found that definition difficult to understand, try using a real dictionary to look up those real words, that people in the real world really use...
    (I hate the ignorant shit in this site, but Id give my life to maintain your right to say it)

    Urban dictionary meaning & definition 6 of Urban dictionary.

  • Urban Dictionary is a Web-based dictionary that contains more than seven million definitions as of 2 March 2013. Submissions are regulated by volunteer editors and rated by site visitors. Time's Anita Hamilton included it on her 50 best websites of 2008 list.

    Urban dictionary meaning & definition 7 of Urban dictionary.

  • A [website] where every [god damn] definition has to involve something [gross] and/or sexual.

    Urban dictionary meaning & definition 8 of Urban dictionary.

  • A site with an amazing concept that was great up until 2005-ish. Today, 90% of Urban Dictionary is clogged with bizarre sexual acts that have fucking nothing to do with the original definitions.

    The site in general is poorly [moderated] and misspelled to the bone. I often wonder if the creators of this site are still alive. I dont have much of a problem with incorrect spellings, but this shit heap has redefined (no pun intended) the word misspell

    Today, 10 year olds enjoy this place the most. The small amount of definitions on here that dont relate to sex, usually relates to race or stereotypes. The [0.01]% of the normal definitions are from back when this site was decent. [Grow the fuck up], people.

    Urban dictionary meaning & definition 9 of Urban dictionary.

  • [The ultimate] [site] to [procrastinate] on.

    Urban dictionary meaning & definition 10 of Urban dictionary.

  • Mostly people who just want to share their ridiculous slang words, to enhance the English language.
    However; often used as a way for jealous or angsty people to post hate towards whom ever they wish with [impunity] (by way of anonymity). Examples can be found in posts for almost all stereotypes (hip, goth, emo, rocker, skater. etc), almost all nationalities, bands or music groups, and basically any thing that anyone could feel threatened by. When searching for a hate message or angst filled reply, look for the following:

    The entire entry written in first person form from the poster. Often in a way that makes the poster seem superior to the crowd they are defining

    (insert defined group here): hello nice day were having
    (insert poster here): Fuck you (defined group here), your not (positive adjective)!

    A lack of any real knowledge on the subject other than that already known to the general public. Also contains a combination of personal opinions in as a [fact on] the topic matter.

    Britney spears sucks and she cant sing. Blond haired bimbo whos music is awful and whos followers dont know sh*t.

    Anyone who writes anything claiming to know the real truth. Most common in music postings. Its a way of saying mainstream or well known artists or opinions are always bad/wrong. The argument cant be maintained since music is a [personal choice] and as such how good or bad any piece of music is can only be determined by the individual.

    50 Cent blows and only if you listen to [MF Doom] you are sick.
    If you like Pulp fiction and have never even heard of [Trainspotting] your obviously dont know shit.

    Politics coming into play. For a definition politics play no bearing, only the represented fact. Even while describing politically charged term no politics should be permitted [to taint] the description.

    Neocons want to [destory] the whole world with their wars and [military industrial complex].
    opposed with,
    Neocons are often [pro war] and defend establishment and maintenance of the military industrial complex.

    Lastly; Racism. Avoid it. People cant help how they are born, make fun of them for choice they do make.

    Fuck (insert race/gender/colour/sexual orientation/looks/height/or anything genetically [predisposed])
    There is hope though. As an Urban dictionary poster, you can avoid all of the aforementioned pitfalls by just following these easy rules:

    Dont assume your better than anyone else.

    Write down what you know and dont speculate on anything.

    Exclude your personal opinion.

    Use a spell check.

    [Knowledge is power]. Misinformation is cancer.

    Urban dictionary meaning & definition 11 of Urban dictionary.

  • a [paradise] for all teens. The website that you are using right now without your [parents] permission because your bored. [Abbreviations] are UD.

    Urban dictionary meaning & definition 12 of Urban dictionary.

  • [Crack] for [passive-aggressive] [teenagers].

    Urban dictionary meaning & definition 13 of Urban dictionary.

  • You must be real stupid if you [don]’t know what [urban dictionary] means. U are literally [on it] right now.

    Urban dictionary meaning & definition 14 of Urban dictionary.

  • unlike [other dictionaries], [urban dictionary] does not give proper definitions, just a bunch of [puns].

    Urban dictionary meaning & definition 15 of Urban dictionary.

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