• Me, see example for reason.

    Annoying meaning & definition 1 of Annoying.

  • annoying is when someone TyPs LyK OmFgGGG ThiSS BeCauSe TheY TiNK It Lyk OmGGzzZZz Looks LyK ToTallY LyK AwsoMe

    another annoying thing is when people base their lilking of a band based on whether mtv says its the in thing at the moment

    another annoying thing is when someone is OBSESSED with themselves so much that they feel the need to ask every day arent i like sooo sexxi? (spelling sexxi that way even though its actually more letter then sexy is also annoying as is spelling hot hott or anything else like that)

    Annoying meaning & definition 2 of Annoying.

  • a goony little bastard or bastardess who wont stop stalking their prey no matter how big the clues of pissed-off-ness there are.

    Annoying meaning & definition 3 of Annoying.

  • someone who does something REALLY stupid excessively and even when noticing that the entire student body is pissed off whenever said person opens their mouth because they know something shamefully retarded is going to follow, the annoying person continues like everyone is their best friend. also mummbling and constant inward laughter are symptoms.

    Annoying meaning & definition 4 of Annoying.

  • A word describing an excessively talkative or irritating person, who, despite being told to shut up constantly, continues to talk as if no one said so.
    Annoying people might have at least a few of the following qualities:
    -a tendency of suddenly joining into conversations without anyone letting him/her to
    -snooping in other peoples business
    -talking for hours on end
    -talking about random things
    -tapping people on the shoulder excessively
    -following you around because he/she things youre his/her friend
    -being a [loser]
    -very likely to be bullied a lot.
    -excessive bragging for a few hours (or days) after enjoying a little achievement or victory, such as beating someone in an arm wrestle.
    -constantly does something [nasty] and [irritating], such as picking their nose or farting.
    -is [immature] and says and does extreme things in public, like yelling out curse words or pulling a random persons pants down.
    -thinks he/she can beat you in every aspect of life but sucks and gets laughed at. However, they still continue to think theyre better.
    -will lie and go to great lengths just to be proven right.
    When an annoying person finally finds out that he/she is being ignored or not liked, he/she will go into a fit of anger and blames everyone for nothing.

    Annoying meaning & definition 5 of Annoying.

  • Of one who can be tiresome to deal with. To be bothersome to the point of exhaustion.

    Annoying meaning & definition 6 of Annoying.

  • List of annoying things;

    peopeole woho tyyp lykke dissss
    people who make insults towards countries and their citizens even though they never been to that country.
    [assholes] who think they better than everyone else and like to fuck with random people for no reason. see [barney badass]
    [mainstream media]
    [soccer moms]
    [carlos mencia]
    stupid [politicians]
    loud-ass people
    bratty children
    people who resort to saying [your mom], a [yo mama joke], and [your face] as comebacks

    Annoying meaning & definition 7 of Annoying.

  • 1 Causing irritation or annoyance. To disturb and irritate.

    When someone cant shut the fuck up and has to make a fool of themselves in front of everyone to try to prove something. They scream and whine all day about bullshit no one cares about. You should want to strangle the shit out of them cause theyre so god damn annoying.

    Annoying meaning & definition 8 of Annoying.

  • When someone calls you everyday at minimum and has nothing to say.

    Annoying meaning & definition 9 of Annoying.

  • The ONE person that always asks a [stupid] or last questions when class is over and its time to go home.

    Annoying meaning & definition 10 of Annoying.

  • Some one who constantly [trying to] [make] [you mad].

    Annoying meaning & definition 11 of Annoying.

  • The act of [breaking] someones life [for the fun] of it, just to call them [salty] or mad

    Annoying meaning & definition 12 of Annoying.

  • making you feel slightly angry:

    Annoying meaning & definition 13 of Annoying.

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