• Not holding the faith; -- applied esp. to one who does notbelieve in the inspiration of the Scriptures, and the supernaturalorigin of Christianity.The infidel writer is a great enemy to society. V. Knox.

    Infidel meaning & definition 1 of Infidel.

  • Someone who does not believe what you believe, when you are a religious fundamentalist.

    Infidel meaning & definition 2 of Infidel.

  • Someone who refuses to live his/her life according to the terms dictated by an old book which is a compilation of bizarre superstitions and fictitious tales. Infidels usually have a brain of their own and they choose to use it on a daily basis. Some infidels are atheists, some are agnostic and some are spiritual.

    Infidel meaning & definition 3 of Infidel.

  • one who beats a terrorist with a trout

    Infidel meaning & definition 4 of Infidel.

  • One who is to be ridiculed. Especially one who disagrees with your point of view or a Microsoft executive.

    Infidel meaning & definition 5 of Infidel.

  • it's when Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton have their dick in Castro's ass

    Infidel meaning & definition 6 of Infidel.

  • an infidel is a penguin spawn that goes around ghosting and wall hacking in order to gain self esteem.

    Infidel meaning & definition 7 of Infidel.

  • a child, acting like an infant. Immature person

    Infidel meaning & definition 8 of Infidel.

  • One who does not believe in the [Banyan] way; generally considered a fool.

    Infidel meaning & definition 9 of Infidel.

  • See [USA]

    Infidel meaning & definition 10 of Infidel.

  • There are two main types of infidel:

    [Spanish]: These are controled by the queen of the infidels, they are infidelic 100% of the time but are not particularly harmful once properly house trained
    [Morrocan]: Despite being dormant most of the time, when a morrocan becomes infadelic it is highly dangerous and uncontrolable and must be avoided at all costs

    Infidel meaning & definition 11 of Infidel.

  • See [USA]

    Infidel meaning & definition 12 of Infidel.

  • A person who has no religion or whose religion is not that of the majority.

    Infidel meaning & definition 13 of Infidel.

  • (used especially between Christians and Muslims) someone who does not have the same religious beliefs as the person speaking:

    Infidel meaning & definition 14 of Infidel.

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