• Money and personal property that a hard-working person accumulates during his lifetime that pissant children thinks is their due upon his death.

    Below are categories of heir behavior in regard to future inheritances:

    1. Grave Watchers: Children who know they will inherit and are just waiting around for the person to die to claim the inheritance.

    2. Ingratiating little bastards: Children who kiss the person's ass repeatedly in the hope he will leave his worldly belongings to them.

    3. Presumptive brats: Children who assume they will inherit and who foolishly spend money they don't have today, only to find out later they didn't inherit and are now up to their eyeballs in debt.

    Inheritance meaning & definition 1 of Inheritance.

  • Receiving a (generally large) amount of property, wealth, money, etc, from a deceased relative or close one, after being mentioned in their will. In extreme cases, such as very large inheritances, typical results include marriage break-up (spouse hates partner for being so rich), personality collapse ([what the heck] do I do now I dont have to work for a living??), idleness, egomania, etc. Many heirs or heiresses experience guilt and self-loathing in proportion to the size of the [inheritance] received. [Inheritance] planning is supposed to [alleviate] this by only giving heirs money if they achieve in life, a [gameplan] that rarely works. Heirs within families usually fight over minor differences in sizes of inheritances recieved. There is a strong tendancy for young people in particular to be very adversely affected by large inheritances, contrary to the misconceptions of a wonderful life generated by popular envy feelings, these people are usually [isolated], guilt-ridden and unsatisfied.

    Inheritance meaning & definition 2 of Inheritance.

  • A thing that is inherited.

    Inheritance meaning & definition 3 of Inheritance.

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