the act of sniffing for two hours straight during the finals and being annoying to everyone around you
Sniffles meaning & definition 1 of Sniffles.
Also known as a cold, when ones nose is runny and makes noises when breathing which distract and disgust everyone around. Sniffles is commonly used by grandmothers in conversations with their grandchildren.
Sniffles meaning & definition 2 of Sniffles.
sniffles is like the common cold where you have a blocked nose and have to sniff but its sounds alot cooler! plus the sniffles is a more serious case of sniffling and really irritating to the people around someone with the sniffles. found by the french in the 16th century and still the only known cure is time.
Sniffles meaning & definition 3 of Sniffles.
When you cum in a girls nose.
Sniffles meaning & definition 4 of Sniffles.
Used to express desirability of an object. Not quite the shiznit, but better than dope. See also sick, ill.
Sniffles meaning & definition 5 of Sniffles.
Another term for polypro, the under-armor like material the military uses in cold climates.
Sniffles meaning & definition 6 of Sniffles.
When in the 69 position and your nose gets too close to the anus. Not a problem following a shower. But you can get the sniffles if she has been at work all day.
Sniffles meaning & definition 7 of Sniffles.
When I have an annoying cold or when [I laugh] so much and my nose starts running and you are too lazy to [blow it] and keep [sniffing] it, in it is called The Sniffles.
Sniffles meaning & definition 8 of Sniffles.